Bug - Not A Bug PVP command is not recording phat loot stolen


Cleared my results, and then ran some PVP rounds:
> pvp 3 loot hibernation

Use 3 PVP attacks to steal loot via Hibernation Ready
Attack 1 of 3
You challenged favors and lost the PvP fight
Attack 2 of 3
You challenged AngelSakura7 and won the PvP fight
Attack 3 of 3
You challenged Dupevred and won the PvP fight
You have 95 attacks remaining.

> pvp 5 loot hibernation

Use 5 PVP attacks to steal loot via Hibernation Ready
Attack 1 of 5
You challenged eChophANTom and won the PvP fight
Attack 2 of 5
You challenged Higardi and won the PvP fight
Attack 3 of 5
You challenged Ichigo777 and won the PvP fight
Attack 4 of 5
You challenged Perkk and lost the PvP fight
Attack 5 of 5
You challenged bobbackblob and won the PvP fight
You have 90 attacks remaining.
Loot is not shown in the gCLI, and Session Results is likewise empty.
Archives says I did get some things:
[view]	Terion (5)	vs	bobbackblob (1)	06-30 10:18pm	+2 Swagger/Stole crêepy mask
[view]	Terion (1)	vs	Perkk (6)	06-30 10:17pm	-200 Stats/+1 Swagger
[view]	Terion (5)	vs	Ichigo777 (1)	06-30 10:17pm	+2 Swagger/Stole black kettle drum
[view]	Terion (5)	vs	Higardi (1)	06-30 10:17pm	+2 Swagger/Stole filthy knitted dread sack
[view]	Terion (6)	vs	eChophANTom (0)	06-30 10:17pm	+2 Swagger/Stole tiny plastic taco cat
[view]	Terion (5)	vs	Dupevred (1)	06-30 10:17pm	+2 Swagger/+1 Flower
[view]	Terion (5)	vs	AngelSakura7 (2)	06-30 10:17pm	+2 Swagger/Stole ant pitchfork
[view]	Terion (3)	vs	favors (4)	06-30 10:16pm	-200 Stats/+1 Swagger
Did another PVP fight, which was a win, and got the page source html (wasn't sure what was needed, so put it all in):
<script language=Javascript>
if (parent.frames.length == -1) location.href="game.php";
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<script language=Javascript src="//images.kingdomofloathing.com/scripts/window.20111231.js"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="/images/scripts/ircm.20150220.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function pop_ircm_contents(i, some) {
	var contents = '',
		shown = 0,
		da = ' <a href="#" rel="?" class="small dojaxy">[some]</a> <a href="#" rel="',
		db = '" class="small dojaxy">[all]</a>',
		dc = '<div style="width:100%; padding-bottom: 3px;" rel="',
		dd = '<a href="#" rel="1" class="small dojaxy">[';
	one = 'one'; ss=some;
if (i.d==1 && i.s>0) { shown++; 
contents += dc + 'sellstuff.php?action=sell&ajax=1&type=quant&whichitem%5B%5D=IID&howmany=NUM&pwd=d3471704bf71f24aad30efef69306aa1" id="pircm_'+i.id+'"><b>Auto-Sell ('+i.s+' meat):</b> '+dd+one+']</a>';
if (ss) { contents += da + i.n + db;}
contents += '</div>';

	return [contents, shown];
var todo = [];
function nextAction() {
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function dojax(dourl, afterFunc, hoverCaller, failureFunc, method, params) {
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		success: function (out) {
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				else if (window.dojaxFailure) window.dojaxFailure(parts[1]);
				else if (top.chatpane.handleMessage) top.chatpane.handleMessage({type: 'event', msg: 'Oops!  Sorry, Dave, you appear to be ' + parts[1]});
				else  $('#ChatWindow').append('<font color="green">Oops!  Sorry, Dave, you appear to be ' + parts[1] + '.</font><br />' + "\n");

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$(top.mainpane.document).find("#effdiv").remove(); if(!window.dontscroll || (window.dontscroll && dontscroll==0)) { window.scroll(0,0);}
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<center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><style type='text/css'>.showall { display: none; }
.js tr.mini { display: table-row !important; }</style><div class="fight"><table><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><a style="font-weight: bold" href="showplayer.php?who=523109">Terion</a> vs <a style="font-weight: bold" href="showplayer.php?who=1939674">beyondthemoon</a><br /></td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Hibernation Ready</b></td><td><b>Terion</b> wins!</td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Bear Hugs All Around</b></td><td><b>beyondthemoon</b> is a real hugger!</td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Beary Famous</b></td><td><b>beyondthemoon</b> wins!</td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Barely Dressed</b></td><td><b>beyondthemoon</b> wins! (A tie-breaker!)</td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Basket Reaver</b></td><td><b>Terion</b> wins!</td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Northern Digestion</b></td><td><b>Terion</b> wins!</td></tr><tr><td nowrap><b>Most Murderous</b></td><td><b>Terion</b> has defeated more bosses.</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" height="5"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><b>Terion</b> Wins!</td></tr><tr><td>Terion took an item:</td><td>scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker</td></tr></table><center><p>You gain a little swagger <b>(+2)</b></center></div></div></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Pick a Fight</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td>			<form action="peevpee.php" method="post">
				<input type=hidden name="action" value="fight" />
				<input type=hidden name="place" value="fight" />
				<input type=hidden name=pwd value="d3471704bf71f24aad30efef69306aa1" />
				<select name="ranked" id="ranked">
					<option value="1" selected="selected">a random opponent (+1 swagger)</option>
					<option value="2" >a random tougher opponent (+1 swagger, increased Fame gain)</option>
					<option value="0" >a specific player</option>
				<span class="ranked0 ranked ">
				<input class=text type=text size=10 id="who" name=who value="" />!  
								<a id="searchp" href="searchplayer.php?for=pvp&hc=0" target="_new" class="if"><font size=1>[search players]</font></a>
								<div class="ift"></div>
				<span class="ranked1 ranked"></span>
				<br />
				Use your
				<select name="stance"><option value="0" >Bear Hugs All Around</option><option value="1" >Beary Famous</option><option value="2" >Barely Dressed</option><option value="3" >Basket Reaver</option><option value="4" >Polar Envy</option><option value="5" >Maul Power</option><option value="6" >Grave Robbery</option><option value="7" >Most Things Eaten</option><option value="8" selected>Hibernation Ready</option><option value="9" >Visiting the Cousins</option><option value="10" >Northern Digestion</option><option value="11" >Most Murderous</option></select>				and try to take some
								<select name="attacktype">
					<option selected="selected"  class="ranked ranked1 ranked2"  value=fame>Fame<br>
					<option  class="ranked ranked1 ranked0 ranked2"  value=flowers>Flowers<br>
										<option  class="ranked ranked1 ranked0 ranked2"  selected="selected" value=lootwhatever>Phat Loot<br>
					<td>If I win, shout:</td><td><input class=text type=text size=30 maxlength=50 name=winmessage value=""><input type=checkbox name=setdefaultwin><small>(set as default)</small></td>
					<td>If I lose, whimper:</td><td><input class=text type=text size=30 maxlength=50 name=losemessage value=""><input type=checkbox name=setdefaultlose><small>(set as default)</small></td>
				<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="peevpee.php?place=defmes"><small>[Set Defensive Messages]</small></a></td></tr>
					<p><input class=button type=submit value="A Fighter is You!" id="doattack">
					<p>You have 89 fights remaining today.</p>
			<p><center><a href="peevpee.php">Back to The Colosseum</a></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center><div id='menu' class='rcm'></div></body><script src="/ircm_extend.js"></script><script language="Javascript"> var notchat = true; var actions = { "sendmessage.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Send Message", "arg" : "toid" }, "skillz.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Buff", "arg" : "towho" }, "curse.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Brick 'Em, Dano", "arg" : "whichitem=1649&targetplayer" }, "/./curse.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Throw TP", "arg" : "whichitem=1923&targetplayer" }, "/msg" : { "action" : 3, "useid" : true, "query" : "Enter message to send to %:" }}; </script><script language="Javascript" src="/images/scripts/rcm.20101215.js"></script><script src="/onfocus.1.js"></script></html>
I'd guess it's something not picking up on "Terion took an item:</td><td>scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker", but I'll let the code wizards who know what they're doing figure it out.

> debug on

> pvp 5 loot hibernation

Use 5 PVP attacks to steal loot via Hibernation Ready
Attack 1 of 5
You challenged The Masked Monkey and won the PvP fight
Attack 2 of 5
You challenged PicklePizza and lost the PvP fight
Attack 3 of 5
You challenged whizstix and won the PvP fight
Attack 4 of 5
You challenged Everybody and lost the PvP fight
Attack 5 of 5
You challenged BacchicApollo and won the PvP fight
You have 84 attacks remaining.

> debug off


  • DEBUG_20150630.txt
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