Bug - Fixed Timing in while casting ode doesn't work correctly


Staff member
I you've timed out since you last did something in KoLmafia, the next thing you tell it to do will redirect to login.php, which will make KoLmafia time you back in and do the thing you asked it to do. However, recently I've noticed that casting a skill doesn't seem to work quite right.

Casting The Ode to Booze 1 times...
Installing default certificate validation...
Sending login request...
Synchronizing moon data...
Loading character status...
Encountered lag problems.
Failed to cast Ode.
That happened when I pressed the "ode" button on the item manager.

"Encountered lag problems" is in UseSkillRequest.parseResponse


Staff member
The issue is that we submit skill casting requests via GET:

Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/runskillz.php?action=Skillz&whichskill=6014&ajax=1&targetplayer=115875&quantity=1&pwd

That "pwd" at the end is the password hash. When we timein, the password hash changes. But, since the request was done via GET, we don't replace it with the new password hash before we submit it.
