Bug - Fixed Missing values for physical_resistance


The following data for the proxy field physical_resistance is missing from KoLmafia's data file.

ancient ghost 100
angry cavebugbear 25
Bee Thoven 50
Black Ops Bugbear 25
Box of Crafty Dinner 100
Bugbear Captain 25
bugbear drone 50
Clancy 25
contemplative ghost 100
Frosty 100
Frozen Bag of Tortellini 100
ghost of Elizabeth Spookyraven 100
Gorgolok, the Infernal Seal (Volcanic Cave) 25
Hodgman, The Hoboverlord 25
Hulking Construct 100
liquid metal bugbear 50
lovesick ghost 100
Mayor Ghost 100
Mayor Ghost (Hard Mode) 100
Mer-kin specter 100
moister oyster 25
N-space Virtual Assistant 50
Possessed Can of Creepy Pasta 100
Possessed Can of Linguine-Os 100
Possessed Jar of Alphredo™ 100
Queen Bee 50
Servant of Lord Flameface 100
Sexy Sorority Ghost 100
Sexy Sorority Werewolf 50
Somerset Lopez, Demon Mariachi 40
Somerset Lopez, Dread Mariachi (Volcanic Cave) 25
Spaghetti Demon 40
Spirit of New Wave (Volcanic Cave) 25
Stella, the Demonic Turtle Poacher 40
Stella, the Turtle Poacher (Volcanic Cave) 25
the ghost of Phil Bunion 100
topiary duck 50
trendy bugbear chef 25
War Frat Mobile Grill Unit 25
Yog-Urt, Elder Goddess of Hatred 100


Well-known member
Would also like to request as part of this that the X-dimensional horror be investigated. I don't think it has the physical resistance that mafia lists it has having.


Staff member
13049 buffed muscle, 0 ML. 17-Dimensional Horror. This account doesn't have deft hands!
You spin the noisemaker as hard as you can, making a very loud, very annoying noise. About ten seconds in, the handle breaks off of the noisemaker, sending the other part flying at your opponent. It deals 13,049 damage, but you have to imagine the pain is almost like a vacation, compared to the noise.

I suspect the "Phys: 90" was a kludge to account for the attack blocking.
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Well-known member
Still some missing, according to a batfactors comparison:

Battlesuit Bugbear Type 50
Somerset Lopez, Demon Mariachi 40

EDIT: Beebee King (RIP) should also have 50. Just discovered that was missing from batfactors.
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