New Content - Implemented IotM - May 2015 - Mayo Clinic workshed item


Well-known member
Interesting but my initial thought is that the items are very expensive for in-run use. Logged prices are reduced by the skill whose name escapes me right now.

Visiting Mr. Store
8260	portable Mayo Clinic	284472365	mayocase.gif	usable	t	0
# Item portable Mayo Clinic: Installs a mayonnaise-centered medical clinic in your workshed

The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	Mayonex	950	ROW716
8261	Mayonex	342184917	mayo1.gif	usable		0
# Item Mayonex: Instead of giving Adventures, the next thing you eat will increase your blood-mayonnaise level.
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	Mayodiol	950	ROW717
8262	Mayodiol	586340786	mayo2.gif	usable		0
# Item Mayodiol: One Fullness of the next thing you eat will be converted into Drunkenness
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	Mayostat	950	ROW718
8263	Mayostat	704639252	mayo3.gif	usable		0
# Item Mayostat: Recover a portion of the next thing you eat for later use
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	Mayozapine	950	ROW719
8264	Mayozapine	277017070	mayo4.gif	usable		0
# Item Mayozapine: Increases the stat gains from the next thing you eat
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	Mayoflex	950	ROW720
8265	Mayoflex	818467537	mayo5.gif	usable		0
# Item Mayoflex: The next thing you eat will grant an additional Adventure
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	Mayo Minder™	4750	ROW725
8285	Mayo Minder™	243508620	mayominder.gif	usable	q	0
# Item Mayo Minder™: Makes it so packets of prescription mayonnaise are automatically consumed as you eat
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	sphygmayomanometer	2375	ROW722
8267	sphygmayomanometer	861428060	mayocuff.gif	accessory	q	0
sphygmayomanometer	0	none
Item	sphygmayomanometer	Muscle Percent: +20, Mysticality Percent: +20, Moxie Percent: +20, Lasts Until Rollover
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	tomayohawk-style reflex hammer	2375	ROW723
8268	tomayohawk-style reflex hammer	236443644	mayohammer.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item tomayohawk-style reflex hammer: Stops enemy from attacking and deals <font color=blueviolet>Sleaze Damage</font> based on your blood-mayonnaise concentration.
Item	tomayohawk-style reflex hammer	Lasts Until Rollover
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	mayo lance	2375	ROW724
8269	mayo lance	740009343	mayolance.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item mayo lance: Unleash a torrent of inner mayonnaise.  The torrent will be yellow and ray-like.
Item	mayo lance	Lasts Until Rollover
The Mayo Clinic	mayoclinic	miracle whip<font color=red size=-2><b>Only 1 left in stock!	9500	ROW721
8266	miracle whip	183199398	mayowhip.gif	weapon	q	0
miracle whip	10	Mus: 0	2-handed whip
Item	miracle whip	Initiative: +50, Weapon Damage: +50, Item Drop: +50, Meat Drop: +100, Lasts Until Rollover
1829	Force of Mayo Be With You	blankoutglob.gif	0156026f7efd2eed62873dd94bcbe203
Effect	Force of Mayo Be With You	Sleaze Damage: +10, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
You gain 1 hit point
You acquire an effect: Force of Mayo Be With You (20)
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Some support added in r15789.

Parses workshed, handles shop, tracks mayoLevel.

Boy am I not looking forward to handling those food helpers!


Or ITem Of Month.

Some more support in r15790.
I think we still need (other than fixing any mistakes) :
Eating with Mayonex should read number of turns of Force of Mayo Be With You added and add that to mayoLevel.
Possibly allow queuing them as helpers in Item Manager.
Possibly track which mayo is currently in your mouth.
Possibly warn and allow abort if you have Mayostat in your mouth and try to eat a 1 fullness food (wastes it).
Reduce mayo level when using Mayo Lance (by 150-turns of everything looks yellow, divided by 5).
Track Mayo Minder settings.
Mayo Minder not available to buy when you have one.
Possibly warn and allow abort if you have Mayo Minder set, but haven't got the appropriate mayo when you try to eat.
The mayostat mayos for Crappy and Decent.
Fullness/stats for all mayostat mayos.
Edit - Handle getting in tank, command to do it, add to maximizer, track it, etc.

In case any interested, the use messages are :
Mayonex = You tear the corner of the packet open and coat the inside of your mouth with Mayonex.
Mayodiol = You tear open the packet and line the inside of your mouth with the medical-grade mayonnaise within.
Mayozapine = You tear open the packet and squirt the mayo into your mouth, which begins to water.
Mayoflex = You tear open the packet of mayo and squirt it into your mouth. You feel the insides of your cheeks become more nutritious, but resist the temptation to chew them off and swallow them.
Mayostat = You tear open the packet of mayonnaise and squirt it into your mouth. Beach body here you come!

Failure message is:
Your mouth is already full of mayonnaise.

The eating messages are:
You feel the Mayonex gurgling in your stomach.
The Mayodiol kicks in and converts some of what you just ate into pure ethanol.
The Mayozapine kicks in and makes the food extra-delicious!
The Mayoflex kicks in and makes the food more nutritious.
The Mayostat kicks in and you belch up a mayonnaise-coated bolus of food.

If you have Mayo Minder active, and no mayo in your mouth, and the set type of mayo in inventory, you get :
Your Mayo Minder™ beeps, reminding you to squirt some mayonnaise in your mouth before eating.

I am probably doing no more til after I have done an Ed run, running out of days for a 2 day attempt.
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Over drinking warning with mayodiol? Not actually overdrinking, but losing the capacity to overdrink. Also, warning for mayo minder / mayodiol will not kick in if your liver is full? If Mayo Minder is set for something for which you have none in inventory, it doesn't do anything - warn / or auto-buy (setting?)?

Fiddly thing, ain't it....


Staff member
I buy every IOTM as it comes out, but I haven't bought this one yet. I will, eventually, but it seems like exactly the kind of Too Much Work thingie I wouldn't actually end up using.


I think the use in run would mainly seem fairly simple. In a lazy (high turncount) Myst run I can certainly see Food consumption becoming : Spaghetti Breakfast, Mayodiol + Hi Mein, Mayodiol + Hi Mein, Mayodiol + Hi Mein, Sleeping Dog, and only 11 drunk to fill rather than 14.

It's certainly confusing to start, but I suspect will settle down to : consider whilst eating, but just your earlier plan, and otherwise just summon one item per day (miracle whip on the Nuns/Filthworms day).

And because it's the same slot as DNA, you either have this fiddliness OR that fiddliness, not both.


Just a note that we need to look at the item parsing slightly:
<tr rel="8266"><td valign=center></td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/mayowhip.gif" class=hand onClick='javascript:descitem(183199398)'></td><td valign=center><a onClick='javascript:descitem(183199398)'><b>miracle whip<font color=red size=-2><b>Only 1 left in stock!</b></font></b>    </a></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/meat.gif width=30 height=30 alt="Meat" title="Meat"></td><td><b>9,500</b>  </td><td></td><td>  </td><td></td><td>  </td><td></td><td>  </td><td></td><td>  </td><td valign=center><input class="button doit  "  type=button rel='shop.php?whichshop=mayoclinic&action=buyitem&quantity=1&whichrow=721&pwd=f66fdc6c7f56731cf56d2a524e3cd938' value='Buy'></td></tr>

The Mayo Clinic mayoclinic miracle whipOnly 1 left in stock! 9500 ROW721
Unknown item found: miracle whipOnly 1 left in stock! (8266, 183199398)
8266 miracle whip 183199398 mayowhip.gif weapon q 0
miracle whip 10 Mus: 0 2-handed whip
Item miracle whip Initiative: +50, Weapon Damage: +50, Item Drop: +50, Meat Drop: +100, Lasts Until Rollover
Clearly the new item detail parsing correctly loses the bit in red, whereas the new item detection and store row building doesn't.


Another oddity - Ate Spaghetti Breakfast and converted it to Drunk :
Eating 1 spaghetti breakfast...
You gain 7 Adventures
You gain 15 Fortitude
You gain 15 Wizardliness
You gain 10 Sarcasm
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-1)
Finished eating 1 spaghetti breakfast.
(usable quantity of spaghetti breakfast is limited to 0 by remaining fullness)

That latter line shouldn't be there, and maybe we should mention the helper being used.


Staff member
I fixed parsing of the miracle whip, I'm sure that regex change won't stand up to whatever Jick throws at it next time.


Not really sure why, but visiting CampgroundRequest( "workshed" ) doesn't work, perhaps because of the redirect to shop.php?whichshop=mayoclinic. As a result you currently have to manually visit it in relay browser so Mafia knows it is there.


A question, in case anyone has checked. If you have mayonnaise in your mouth at rollover, does rollover remove it? I presume ascension does.


My current thoughts on handling mayo and consumption:
Track current mayo in mouth.
Allow queuing of mayo as a helper, if you have it or can afford it, and have appropriate autobuy options set.
For mayominder, create preference - autoBuyMayo, defaults to false. Whenever you queue a food item, if mayominder isn't set to Mayostat (we'll track that too in a preference) and food item fullness 1, automatically queue if you have that mayo, or if you don't, but autoBuyMayo set to true.
When you queue a 1 fullness item, and you have mayominder set to Mayostat, and you have Mayostat in inventory, put it temporarily into closet, or set mayominder to off temporarily.
When you queue a 1 fullness item, and you have Mayostat queued, or currently in your mouth, warn.
If currently at drunk limit, warn if you have mayominder set to Mayodiol, or you have it queued to use, or if you have currently got it in your mouth.

Whilst it'd be trivial to duplicate Mayominder functionality, I do not plan to do so. It's KoL content and a meat sink, use it if you want automatic mayo.

So, in effect, one wouldn't be queuing mayo, they'd be queuing mayominder use? If mayominder is not already purchased and a mayo is queued, then acquire mayominder (and add to cost)?


With Mayominder, it'd autoqueue mayo automatically if in inventory, and always if you have meat and set automatic.
Without Mayominder, you'd queue it manually.

It'd never automatically buy Mayominder.


Hmm, I think I'm gradually (I hope) getting to the bottom of food helpers. We have three types, two of which are identified as food helpers in mafia.

Type 1 - Utensils, the original type (ie. divine champagne flute, Ol' Scratch's salad fork, Frosty's frosty mug, CRIMBCO mug, BGE shotglass, fudge spork), submitted with utensil=XXXX. Clearly only one can ever be applied.

Type 2 - Those used automatically from inventory (sushi doily, grains of salt, jar of swamp honey). No need to queue these, as they are automatically applied, but included in Food/Booze manager for information. Are actually submitted using utensil=XXXX if queued, but I do not believe we should submit that.

Type 3 - Probably just Munchies Pills and Mayo. Not identified as Food Helpers, but need special exception to appear as food items, and are used as queued.

I think I'll write a function to identify type 3, and stop adding utensil= to type 2.
no actual familiar yet:

Encounter: Mmmmmmayonnaise
Took choice 1075/1: unknown
Encounter: Mmmmmmayonnaise
Took choice 1075/1: unknown
Encounter: Mmmmmmayonnaise
Took choice 1075/1: unknown
8275	newly-hatched mayonnaise wasp	326252153	mayolarva.gif	grow		0
# Item newly-hatched mayonnaise wasp
You acquire an item: newly-hatched mayonnaise wasp

8270	unappetizing mayolus	885654580	mayobolus.gif	food	t,d	5
unappetizing mayolus	1	1	crappy	1-1	0	0	0	
# Item unappetizing mayolus

(from session log)