Bug - Fixed Twitch spading -- monster data


Staff member
I'm reviewing the first twitch stream, and so far I've gotten this:

Tomb asp has base meat of 100 and 12% rate on unidentified jerky.
Tomb servant has 5% rate on ancient ice cream scoop, conditional 10% rate on secret mummy herbs and spices.
Tomb rats have a base meat drop of 75 and 12% rate on unidentified jerky.

Here's the (partial) list of monsters from the first twitch event: http://i.imgur.com/SSrFECN.jpg
Monsters in Mafia with an ID of 0 that are in this picture:
All-Hallow's Steve (1451), Amateur Elf (899), chatty coworker (1042), Chef Boy R&D (1466), Crys-Rock (854), Cyrus the Virus (811), giant pair of tweezers (38), hockey elemental (274), Hunter-gatherer cave-elf (438?), mutant circuit-soldering elf (751), mutant cookie-baking elf (749), mutant doll-dressing elf (748), mutant gift-wrapping elf (747), mutant whistle-carving elf (750), [Your] overflowing inbox (1038), wild seahorse (778), wire-crossin' elf (902), [general seal] (1443)
(How's that for non-speculative?)

Other monsters I noticed missing: sleaze hobo (693), Regret Man (1276). Space beast matriarch (1589) was also revealed on the stream.
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