Feature - Implemented to_monster( int id ) would be nice


Now that we have integer IDs for most monsters, could we have a function that converts an int to a monster?

Obvious application is if you are scanning through the monster manuel and you see that a monster has ID 468, it would be helpful to convert that to a monster. Right now the only way to do this is to iterate over the set of all monsters in KoLmafia...

monster to_monster(int id) {
   foreach mob in $monsters[mob]
      if(mob.id == id)
         return id;
   return id;

Sure that would work, but it seems like a bit much for what I believe should be a basic KoLmafia function.

Actually, since missingManuel would do this many hundreds of times, it would definitely be more efficient to do that like this:

static {
   monster [int] mon_id;
   foreach mob in $monsters[]
      mon_id[ mob.id ] = mob;

monster to_monster(int id) {
   return mon_id[ id ];

In that example, the function is quite optional since the map could be accessed directly, but I wanted to include it for clarity.