Feature - Implemented Display Current Combat count for Ed


New member
It is nice to see what round of combat I am on but I'd really like to know how many times I've UNDYING'd in a given fight. Sometimes I lose track and it ends up costing me a Ka.

I'd suggest doing it something like this in the relay browser

Combat[1]: Round 3!

Combat[2]: Round 5!


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Staff member
This isn't as simple as it seems, since _edDefeats is updated before the page is displayed. I threw in some code locally that should show Fight 1 when you first start, but if you lose the moment you enter the first fight it shows Fight 2 because you already lost.


New member
This isn't as simple as it seems, since _edDefeats is updated before the page is displayed. I threw in some code locally that should show Fight 1 when you first start, but if you lose the moment you enter the first fight it shows Fight 2 because you already lost.

Oh _edDefeats kind of does this. Cool. I just want it displayed in the relay browser mid combat. Would displaying _EdDefeats-1 be the thing I'm asking then? I'm not even sure.
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Staff member
Suppose you use a relay override on fight.ash to display this. Why not just check the value of _edDefeats before the call to visit_url()?


Staff member
The page load where you lose your HP, which is still the same fight, will have a value 1 higher. It seems like this would lead to confusion more than anything else.