Universal Recovery Script


Edit: Also found an issue with Boris runs. You do not have access to Herbs even though you have mainstat muscle so the check for herbs needs to take this into account, such as:
	&& my_path() != "Bees Hate You" && my_path() != "Avatar of Boris" && my_level() > 2

Unfortunately I did not see that edit since I read your original post. Thankfully you were replied to. I'm glad you reported the problem.

I've added that to my script though I'm not rolling out a new version for the cosmetic fix.


I would love for the script to use them automatically as I have never ever used one on purpose on my own. I thought it was only a healing item and it's not that often that I use healing items on my own. I think I have most of mine still sitting in their boxes in Hagnks...

That's how I feel as well. At the very minimum I'd love to see it as an option the user can set (like Bale says, there are probably some restorative items that give status effects you want to hold on to, although doesn't the script use Phonics?). It's a little odd in a lazy normal run seeing the script use Medicinal Herbs if the hot tub is out and I have a pile of band-aids sitting around. In the right circumstances (like when I don't have enough MP for Cocoon).


Active member
Question... if UR believes that it can use herbs in a Boriscore run, does it set the value of HP based on that, or does it raise the value after the herb-buying fails? This just seems like it could make SS and DAM make foolish decisions based on a low valuation of HP.


That's a good question. I'll have to look into that. At least you'll be safe if you make the change Winterbay suggested. I'll probably roll out the fix soon.


I figured that out just after posting and edited my post so fast there isn't even a note about having edited it. :)
While trying to verify the fix for the beaten up at the shore problem I discovered two undesirable behaviours involving Laugh it Off.
1) UR uses LiO even when the health recovery is set to "Do not auto-recover health".
2) UR uses LiO to continue burning manna in defiance of both the "Recover to" and the "Start manna burning" settings.


I left it off because I was avoiding restoration options that give a stats effect. However I am currently reconsidering that. Being in a boris run where both the status effect and the healing are very relevant are making me think seriously if it is worth using them up when I might want them for future use.

What do you tink of the pros and cons of not having one later when doing the junkyard as Boris? (Though I'm currently thinking that "Louder Bellows" is what I needed in my last run instead of a Band-aid... I'm looking forward to seeing how much easier it makes the Gremlins.)

Edit: Update on "Louder Bellows." It may be one of the greatest skills ever. It halved, literally halved, the amount of damage I was taking from Gremlins. Perhaps that status effect is not so essential after all.

Do other people really think I should use them automatically?

I also (almost) never use them manually. Anyways if someone wants to save them for the Gremlins, all they have to do is not open the box, or closet them, right? I endorse this product and/or service.


This script has used my beer-scented teddy bear during restoration the past few runs, before the Azazel quest was complete. I don't think it's ever used up a comfy pillow.

Log is available if needed. The summary is, the beer-scented bear was used the next time mana was restored while the bear was in inventory.


Please make UR respect the recovery settings when using Laugh it Off. I just got trashed because UR used up *all* of my MP to recover my HP well past my 60% recovery limit. 8-(

You already reported that. Less than 12 hours ago. Nagging bale about it is probably not a good way to get on his good side.


The summary is, the beer-scented bear was used the next time mana was restored while the bear was in inventory.

This was not my f*ing fault! Someone "helpfully" added it to the recovery map on zarqon's server. I just fixed it on his server. Apparently the helpful individual noticed its absence without realizing it was handled in my script:

	if(item_amount($item[Azazel's unicorn]) > 0 || have_skill($skill[Liver of Steel]) 
	  || have_skill($skill[Stomach of Steel]) || have_skill($skill[Spleen of Steel])) {
		heal[$item[beer-scented teddy bear]] = new restorative_info(0, 0, 15, 20, 0.0, 17.5);
		heal[$item[comfy pillow]] = new restorative_info(20, 30, 0, 0, 25.0, 0.0);

Please update your datafile or else it will automatically update itself after rollover.


This was not my f*ing fault! Someone "helpfully" added it to the recovery map on zarqon's server. I just fixed it on his server. Apparently the helpful individual noticed its absence without realizing it was handled in my script:
Please update your datafile or else it will automatically update itself after rollover.

I let my datafile be automatically updated before I started the quest today. It worked beautifully, ignoring the beer-scented bear even when unable to restore any other way (due to lack of meat). Thanks!


Out of curiosity, I've never used the script, but does this consider Laugh It Off to be the best recovery option in HC Boris after you reach level 11 and unlock the Black Market?

(I see that it'll MP burn for Laugh it Off, but I was wondering if it would just start buying black cherry soda instead of ailment ointments.)


Out of curiosity, I've never used the script, but does this consider Laugh It Off to be the best recovery option in HC Boris after you reach level 11 and unlock the Black Market?

(I see that it'll MP burn for Laugh it Off, but I was wondering if it would just start buying black cherry soda instead of ailment ointments.)

I believe so. On my account it just dumped 91 MP into LIO and was buying black cherry soda to fuel it.


Ok.... what the heck is happening to UR, because it's wasting gigantic amount of my buffbot's meat on items, even though I have 10k MMJs in inventory ("Prefer using inventory instead of mall, regardless of value" is checked in the relay config), I also have several other MP healers in inventory. It also did this:

Restoring MP! Currently at 6648 of 6648 HP, 6583 of 20468 MP, current meat: 7045653 ... Target MP = 19445.
_meatpermp => 0.025
Using cached search results for palm-frond fan...
Purchasing palm-frond fan (6 @ 327)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (6)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (27 @ 333)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (27)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (3 @ 350)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (3)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (3 @ 350)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (3)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (6 @ 350)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (6)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (1 @ 395)...
You acquire an item: palm-frond fan
Stopped purchasing palm-frond fan @ 891.
Using 46 palm-frond fan...
You gain 1,783 hit points
You gain 1,843 Mojo Points
Finished using 46 palm-frond fan.
Searching for "palm-frond fan"...
Search complete.
Purchasing palm-frond fan (10 @ 891)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (10)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (1 @ 900)...
You acquire an item: palm-frond fan
Purchasing palm-frond fan (108 @ 900)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (108)
Stopped purchasing palm-frond fan @ 74,000.
Using 119 palm-frond fan...
You gain 4,710 hit points
You gain 4,793 Mojo Points
Finished using 119 palm-frond fan.
Using cached search results for palm-frond fan...
Purchasing palm-frond fan (3 @ 74,000)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (3)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (3 @ 74,000)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (3)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (3 @ 74,000)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (3)
Purchasing palm-frond fan (3 @ 74,000)...
You acquire palm-frond fan (3)
Stopped purchasing palm-frond fan @ 987,654,321.
Using 12 palm-frond fan...
You gain 462 hit points
You gain 495 Mojo Points
Finished using 12 palm-frond fan.
Running out of meat! Time to take some out of the closet...

Apperently UR bought almost every fan in the mall. It only didn't buy the last ones because I didn't have enough meat. Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on there?


> get autoBuyPriceLimit


It's somewhat high, I think it's because I was using that setting for basement diving, but still way bellow 74k spent on each fan.