New Content - Implemented Add [council] link to the skull of the Bonerdagon


Back when the Bonerdagon dropped a dragonbone belt buckle there was a [council] link to take me to the council since the quest is complete. Now that the skull of the Bonerdagon drops instead, there is no longer a link to the council for quest completion.

I should have pointed this out back when the content was still new, but now that Veracity is adding all those wonderful links for Lady Spookyraven's quest, I'm longing to get this one back as well.


Staff member
We used to have that link because you needed to visit the council in order for it to turn the skull into the belt buckle. However, they don't do that any more, and as far as I know, the only reason to link back is to see the "OK, you did it" message.

Or am, I missing something? Do we fail to advance the quest when you get the skull?


I suppose the only reason for it now is to get the message which I finally emotionally satisfying at the end of a quest. It is also necessary in order for KoL to consider it complete and removed from the quest tracker.

Is my emotional satisfaction and sense of tidiness a worthwhile reason in the absence of any other metric?


Staff member
It is also necessary in order for KoL to consider it complete and removed from the quest tracker.
That's the key: if the Quest tracker says "Return to the council to report your success", then it is necessary. There are plenty of quests which simply go away in the Quest Tracker without a visit to the Council, though. Apparently this is not one of them.

I'll see tomorrow. ;)


I could be mistaken about that. Please let us know tomorrow.

I am 100% sure that KoLmafia does not consider the quest finished until we return to the council though. If the quest is actually removed from the quest tracker, then perhaps it would be mafia's quest information that needs to be updated.


step1 - "You've defeated the Bonerdagon -- now take his skull back to the Council, and claim your reward!"


Staff member
That's what I just saw too. This is in the Quest Tracker.

> get questL07Cyrptic


Go back to the Council of Loathing and inform them of your success.

And when I do that:

> get questL07Cyrptic

Note that if you have the Quest Tracker in your charpane, you can click on the bold "The Council" and it will take you there. But, a [council] link would not hurt for people that don't have the Quest Tracker.


Staff member
Ha. We just to have "council" links for the batskin belt and the skull of the Bonerdagon - and the code is still there for that - but it no longer worked once those items became equipment.

Revision 15312 should give you "council" links again.