Feature Lady Spookyraven support


Staff member
1) When you find Lady Spookyraven's necklace, we should provide a use (navigation) link to talk to her on floor 1 - place.php?whichplace=manor1&action=manor1_ladys
2) When you talk to her (at that location) and receive the ghost of a necklace, we should remove Lady Spookyraven's necklace and give a use (navigation) link to talk to her on floor 2 - place.php?whichplace=manor2&action=manor2_ladys
3) When we retrieve all of (Lady Spookyraven's powder puff, Lady Spookyraven's finest gown, Lady Spookyraven's dancing shoes), we should provide a use (navigation) link to talk to her on floor 2 - place.php?whichplace=manor2&action=manor2_ladys - remove those items, and provide a link to go to the ballroom (if KoL itself doesn't provide one).
4) When you dance in the ballroom and gain the stats, we should provide a link to talk to her on floor 3 - place.php?whichplace=manor3&action=manor3_ladys
5) When you gain a jar of baby ghosts, we should provide a use (navigation) link to talk to her on floor 3 - place.php?whichplace=manor3&action=manor3_ladys
6) When you gain the ghost formula, we should remove the jar of baby ghosts


I would really enjoy having a preference that counts the first 5 writing desks I encounter each ascension. I try to keep count so that I know how close I am to getting my ghost of a necklace, but this would be better since I have been known to lose count.

Then that information could be presented at the bottom, where it says, "You open all of the drawers in the now-still desk, but don't find any necklaces." You could append, " (1/5 Required)"


Staff member
I would really enjoy having a preference that counts the first 5 writing desks I encounter each ascension. I try to keep count so that I know how close I am to getting my ghost of a necklace, but this would be better since I have been known to lose count.

Then that information could be presented at the bottom, where it says, "You open all of the drawers in the now-still desk, but don't find any necklaces." You could append, " (1/5 Required)"



I'm going to enjoy that. Thank you.

PS. Veracity, I forgot to mention that all your suggestions are capital! Many times I've thought that there should be a link after getting the ghost necklace and after dancing in the ballroom.


Staff member
Revision 15258 does this:

When you acquire the Spookyraven necklace, navigation link to Lady Spookyraven
When she gives you the ghost of a necklace, remove Spookyraven necklace
When you find all of Lady Spookyraven's dancing duds, navigation link to her
When you talk to her, remove those items from inventory
When you acquire the jar of baby ghosts, navigation link to Lady Spookyraven
When she gives you ghost formula, remove jar of baby ghosts.

Of the requested items, we do not yet do this:

When you trade the necklace for a ghost of a necklace on the 1st floor, provide a link to talk to her on the 2nd floor.
When you dance with her on the 2nd floor, provide a link to talk to her on the 3rd floor.

We also does not give a navigation from her taking her dancing duds and saying "meet me in the ballroom" to the ballroom. That is because that is in a small Result section above a map of the second floor. Just click on the ballroom. Therefore, it seems unnecessary.


Staff member
Regarding those items:

When you talk to Lady Spookyraven on floor 1 and deliver the necklace to her, there is a Results frame where she thanks you and you get the ghost of a necklace. That frame has no links in it, although it appears above the map of Manor 1. We want a link to talk to her on Manor 2 - which is not shown, so you can't get there in a single click without such a link. We used to add such a link when you cleared an area of dooks on the Farm, until, several years later, KoL itself provided such a link. So, known technology - but I need the HTML of the "talking to Lady Spookyraven" response. I'll be back there on Saturday, I expect, and can get it myself, but if someone gets there first and can turn on debugging and grab the HTML for me, I'll be able to install a fix and test it live on Saturday.

The "Dance in the Ballroom" link to Lady Spookyraven on floor 3 is easier. It's the equivalent of the "use another dance card" link we add to the ballroom when that is appropriate. The difference is, unlike that one, we want the "next" button to actually point to the Lady Spookyraven link, whereas we certainly do not want the "next" button to use another dance card.

I saved the HTML of that encounter.

So, I should be able to finish this up this weekend - complete with live testing, if someone can get me that response text before then.



When you talk to Lady Spookyraven on floor 1 and deliver the necklace to her, there is a Results frame where she thanks you and you get the ghost of a necklace. That frame has no links in it, although it appears above the map of Manor 1. We want a link to talk to her on Manor 2 - which is not shown, so you can't get there in a single click without such a link. We used to add such a link when you cleared an area of dooks on the Farm, until, several years later, KoL itself provided such a link. So, known technology - but I need the HTML of the "talking to Lady Spookyraven" response. I'll be back there on Saturday, I expect, and can get it myself, but if someone gets there first and can turn on debugging and grab the HTML for me, I'll be able to install a fix and test it live on Saturday.

Looks like you get to test it live!

<centeR><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td>Lady Spookyraven must have sensed somehow that you found "her" necklace, because she seems to have materialized in the hallway.  You approach her.<p>At the sight of it, her eyes light up with an even more unearthly glow than they had prior to lighting up.  She takes the necklace and places it around her neck, at which point a ghostly copy of the necklace silently falls to the floor.<center><table class="item" style="float: none" rel="id=7318&s=150&q=0&d=1&g=0&t=0&n=1&m=0&p=0&u=q"><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/ghostnecklace.gif" alt="ghost of a necklace" title="ghost of a necklace" class=hand onClick='descitem(978556354)'></td><td valign=center class=effect>You acquire an item: <b>ghost of a necklace</b> <font size=1>[<a href="javascript:singleUse('inv_equip.php','which=2&action=equip&slot=1&whichitem=7318&pwd=734441aa1fd7de9e6dd21fe61365ef58&ajax=1');void(0);"><span style='position: relative;' onMouseOver="document.getElementById('whatif0').style.visibility='visible';" onMouseOut="document.getElementById('whatif0').style.visibility='hidden';"><table border=2 id='whatif0' style='background-color: white; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 1.2em;'><tr><td>Monster Level</td><td>35.00 (-50.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Experience</td><td>11.67 (-16.67)</td></tr><tr><td>Item Drop</td><td>201.79 (-5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Cold Resistance</td><td>9.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Hot Resistance</td><td>7.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Resistance</td><td>10.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Spooky Resistance</td><td>10.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Stench Resistance</td><td>7.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Moxie Percent</td><td>45.00 (-5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Muscle</td><td>15.00 (-5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Muscle Percent</td><td>135.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Mysticality Percent</td><td>45.00 (-5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Maximum HP</td><td>183.00 (-10.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Maximum MP</td><td>100.00 (-5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Damage</td><td>8.00 (+8.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Spell Damage</td><td>8.00 (+8.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Muscle Experience</td><td>5.83 (-8.33)</td></tr><tr><td>Mysticality Experience</td><td>2.92 (-4.17)</td></tr><tr><td>Moxie Experience</td><td>3.92 (-4.17)</td></tr><tr><td>Smithsness</td><td>45.00 (-5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed Muscle</td><td>269.00 (-21.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed Mysticality</td><td>121.00 (-3.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed Moxie</td><td>121.00 (-4.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed HP Maximum</td><td>714.00 (-51.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed MP Maximum</td><td>306.00 (-10.00)</td></tr></table>acc1</span></a>]</font> <font size=1>[<a href="javascript:singleUse('inv_equip.php','which=2&action=equip&slot=2&whichitem=7318&pwd=734441aa1fd7de9e6dd21fe61365ef58&ajax=1');void(0);"><span style='position: relative;' onMouseOver="document.getElementById('whatif1').style.visibility='visible';" onMouseOut="document.getElementById('whatif1').style.visibility='hidden';"><table border=2 id='whatif1' style='background-color: white; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 1.2em;'><tr><td>Monster Level</td><td>60.00 (-25.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Combat Rate</td><td>0.00 (+5.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Experience</td><td>20.00 (-8.33)</td></tr><tr><td>Damage Reduction</td><td>6.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Cold Resistance</td><td>9.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Hot Resistance</td><td>7.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Resistance</td><td>10.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Spooky Resistance</td><td>10.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Stench Resistance</td><td>7.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Damage</td><td>8.00 (+8.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Spell Damage</td><td>8.00 (+8.00)</td></tr><tr><td>HP Regen Min</td><td>6.00 (-10.00)</td></tr><tr><td>HP Regen Max</td><td>7.00 (-20.00)</td></tr><tr><td>MP Regen Min</td><td>1.00 (-10.00)</td></tr><tr><td>MP Regen Max</td><td>1.00 (-20.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Muscle Experience</td><td>10.00 (-4.17)</td></tr><tr><td>Mysticality Experience</td><td>5.00 (-2.08)</td></tr><tr><td>Moxie Experience</td><td>6.00 (-2.08)</td></tr></table>acc2</span></a>]</font> <font size=1>[<a href="javascript:singleUse('inv_equip.php','which=2&action=equip&slot=3&whichitem=7318&pwd=734441aa1fd7de9e6dd21fe61365ef58&ajax=1');void(0);"><span style='position: relative;' onMouseOver="document.getElementById('whatif2').style.visibility='visible';" onMouseOut="document.getElementById('whatif2').style.visibility='hidden';"><table border=2 id='whatif2' style='background-color: white; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 1.2em;'><tr><td>Cold Resistance</td><td>9.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Hot Resistance</td><td>7.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Resistance</td><td>10.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Spooky Resistance</td><td>10.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Stench Resistance</td><td>7.00 (+1.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Moxie</td><td>3.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Muscle</td><td>5.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Mysticality</td><td>5.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Maximum HP</td><td>163.00 (-30.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Maximum MP</td><td>75.00 (-30.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Damage</td><td>8.00 (+8.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Sleaze Spell Damage</td><td>8.00 (+8.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed Muscle</td><td>275.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed Mysticality</td><td>109.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed Moxie</td><td>110.00 (-15.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed HP Maximum</td><td>706.00 (-59.00)</td></tr><tr><td>Buffed MP Maximum</td><td>261.00 (-55.00)</td></tr></table>acc3</span></a>]</font></td></tr></table></center><p>That is... not at all how you expected that to work.  You look back up just in time to see her drift upwards through the ceiling.  I guess you don't even get a "Thanks."</td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table>


Staff member
Well, revision 15272 adds the desired Use Links.

The first floor one works fine - since you see her "floating up through the ceiling", apparently, she is immediately available to talk to.

The second floor one does not: when you click on it, you are told "You can't get to that area yet". All you have to do is click on the stairs up to the third floor and see her there, and you can click on her - but going straight to her is not unlocked until you do that, it seems.

I'm not sure what to do about that; we need a link which first goes to the third floor and then talks to her. Probably have to use a KoLmafia link via the CLI or something.


Well-known member
Talk to Lady Spookyraven on the third floor - relay browser link generates an error

In r15384 after dancing with Lady Spookyraven in the Haunted Ballroom a link appears in the relay browser to "Talk to Lady Spookyraven on the third floor". When I click on that link the relay browser displays "Uh Oh! You can't go there yet."

I have to click on the stairs to the third floor and then click on Lady Spookyraven.

I"ll get a debug log next time around if no one figures out what the problem is.
Last edited:


Staff member
This is the reason I have not yet closed the Lady Spookyraven Support thread yet; I have not yet figured out how to make that work correctly, yet, since KoL does not let you talk to her on the third floor until you have actually visited the third floor.

I'll merge this with that Feature Request.


I understand why the "Talk to Lady Spookyraven on the Third Floor" link does not work, but I would appreciate it if you would replace it with a "Go to the Third Floor" link.

That may be a somewhat unsatisfying solution, but it bothers me every time I click on the link and get an error message. At least this way I can click on Lady Spookyraven myself after the link takes me there.


Active member
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I must be insane, because I also click that link every time even though I know why it doesn't work.


Staff member
It irritates me, since that link says what I WANT to happen, but I still haven't figured out a reasonable way to make it happen. I think your solution will have to suffice, for now. Should be easy. I'll look at it. Soon.


Staff member
I did that in revision 15476. Haven't tested it, since I haven't been back, yet.
If it works, that probably finishes this Feature.


The "Go to the Third Floor" link actually resulted in a similar error.
Sadly I wasn't expecting it and did not log it or note if it had an error message displayed. Will have another go at it tomorrow with a debug log running, in case it's still broken.


Staff member
I will look at what link the stairs to the third floor have before you have taken them but after you have danced with Lady Spookyraven; that is the URL that this will have to use.

I just did Day 1 of a new Ed run today and never even set foot in Spookyraven Manor yet, but since I'll hit Level 11 tomorrow, I'll want the ballroom to be unlocked, so I'll try this out after rollover.


Staff member
Yes. That URL works fine if you have "unlocked" the third floor by visiting it after dancing with Lady Spookyraven. It does NOT work if you invoke it after dancing but before going up the stairs. That is exactly the issue we are discussing - the URL you gave was exactly what I had for "Talk to Lady Spookyraven on the third floor." but it gives an error if you have not yet actually visited the third floor.

I'm curious about what BCA does BEFORE it does that call.


Active member
		bumMiniAdv(1, $location[The Haunted Ballroom]);
We visit the lady after we have the 3 bits for her, adventure once at the Ballroom, and then we take that step. Maybe it doesn't work. But that's the only manor3 call in the whole script, and we successfully adventure at the Haunted Lab and Storage Rooms to get the guaranteed dissolver.


Staff member
Yes, I am not surprised that you can adventure on the third floor, even without "unlocking" it - but I guarantee that talking to Lady S does not work without "unlocking" it.

I bet you don't end up with a poppet, rocking horse, etc., and do not get the "You find a baby. use a toy" choice adventures.