Bug - Fixed Festival of Jarlsberg MP reduction not accounted for


Staff member
Today is the Festival of Jarlsberg. Using skills requires 2 fewer MP.
When I look at the Use Skills frame, it does not show me that reduction.
When I use a skill - either there or in combat - we deduct the full MP cost and then correct when the charpane refresh comes in.

I vaguely recall that we'd been burned before trying to predict when this holiday came (although, our "upcoming holidays" message accurately saw it coming), so perhaps we intentionally are not taking it in to account - but now that we load main.php on login, there is no reason for us to be doubtful; it is announced on that page.


Staff member

The Loathing calendar says today is El Dia De Los Muertos Borrachos.
The Earth calendar says today is Festival of Jarlsberg.

HolidayDatabase.getHoliday() returns "Festival of Jarlsberg / El Dia De Los Muertos Borrachos"

There are several places where we use equals( xxx ) to look at the holiday to decide if this is it.
We should use contains( xxx)