Mood Management

Is there an ash/cli command to remove 1 specific mood? Currently, if I want to change a mood, I have to clear the whole thing and rebuild it. This is annoying when I want to change facial expressions :(.


You mean you want to delete a trigger, not the mood. Right?

Nope. That does not exist. You have to "mood clear" then add triggers one, by one. Kinda troublesome. I deal with that by making compound moods. Also, you can add a trigger to a temporary mood and it will go away. It is possible to do "mood default, tmp" (even though there is no mood named tmp) and add a trigger to it. And it stays there! Then when you "mood clear" it will only delete the triggers which were not inherited from the original mood.

[COLOR="#808000"]> mood default[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#808000"]> mood[/COLOR]

When I get Coated in Slime, call chamois.ash
When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
When I run low on Merry Smithsness, use 1 Flaskfull of Hollow
When I run low on Singer's Faithful Ocelot, cast 1 Singer's Faithful Ocelot

[COLOR="#808000"]> mood default, tmp[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#808000"]> trigger lose_effect, Snarl of the Timberwolf, cast 1 Snarl of the Timberwolf[/COLOR]

Set mood trigger: When I run low on Snarl of the Timberwolf, cast 1 Snarl of the Timberwolf

[COLOR="#808000"]> mood[/COLOR]

When I get Coated in Slime, call chamois.ash
When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
When I run low on Merry Smithsness, use 1 Flaskfull of Hollow
When I run low on Singer's Faithful Ocelot, cast 1 Singer's Faithful Ocelot
When I run low on Snarl of the Timberwolf, cast 1 Snarl of the Timberwolf

[COLOR="#808000"]> mood clear[/COLOR]

Cleared mood.

[COLOR="#808000"]> mood[/COLOR]

When I get Coated in Slime, call chamois.ash
When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
When I run low on Merry Smithsness, use 1 Flaskfull of Hollow
When I run low on Singer's Faithful Ocelot, cast 1 Singer's Faithful Ocelot
Hmm that is interesting, but not really helpful for my current problem. I have a mood function which I call before my adventure function. This is great for 95% of adventures, but if I want to delete the facial expression and instead use say suspicious gaze, there is no simple way of doing it. So instead, I have to create a new mood function, which is entirely the same as my usual mood except it uses the different facial expression.

At first it wasn't that big of a deal, but now that I am on my 7-8th "special" case mood, with each mood being 20-30 lines long, it is starting to feel very cluttery.


It is helpful if you change your methodology.
  1. Delete the facial expression from your mood.
  2. Create a new mood called "face" which contains only the facial expression you wish to use.
  3. Use "mood myMood, face"
Now you can change your facial expression separately from the rest of your mood.

I've got a mood called noncombat with all my noncombat boosting skills in it so that I can just do "mood default, noncom" and voila! (And a different mood for boosting combat rate of course.) Modular moods are awesome for reducing number of necessary moods. They're mix and match! You can even combine more than 2 moods if you want. And I suspect you will want.
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Yeah, I do that for +-combats. I just didn't want to add 66 mood_face() after my current mood when all I wanted to do was change facial expression to disco leer for nuns or suspicious gaze for the alcove. It would give more flexibility with which expressions are cast, so I may do it that way.

Thanks for helping Bale.