Bug - Fixed Maximizer fails to acquire multiples of an item


If the modifier maximizer attempts to equip an item that is already equipped in another slot, it will acquire the item, which is fulfilled by unequipping it from the other slot. For example, a common case is that I maximize myst with no saucepanics in inventory but 2+ in my closet. The maximizer will uncloset one saucepanic, equip it in mainhand, then unequip it to be put in the offhand, and then fail because equipping an offhand weapon without a mainhand weapon is an error.

To fix this, the maximizer would have to acquire equipment in a way that is not satisfied by unequipping, or pre-acquire multiple copies of equipment that is to be used in multiple slots.


Bumping this because I've had this problem multiple times. I would greatly like to see a fix for this.


Active member
Not a maximizer-specific bug if it is a bug. See Retrieval Order for details.

Perhaps this happens because it's told to retrieve one thing at a time, rather than "Here's the list of stuff you need to retrieve, get them all first before trying to equip everything." Any way to implement that?
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It should be doable to count how many of each are required, and if above 1, and equipment, get them into inventory first.


Hopefully r15358 fixes this. I can run maximize Mys with 2 saucepanic equipped, none in inventory, 2 in closet, and it'll pull and equip one on my Disembodied Hand. Quite a complex bit of code in the end, I hope it doesn't include anything too dangerous.


Active member
It fixed my version of this bug.
> maximize

160 combinations checked, best score 0.00
Removing items from closet...
You acquire an item: sea salt scrubs
Removing items from closet...
You acquire an item: nurse's hat
Removing items from closet...
You acquire battery-powered drill (2)
Putting on nurse's hat...
Equipment changed.
Wielding battery-powered drill...
Equipment changed.
Holding battery-powered drill...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Buddy Bjorn...
Equipment changed.
Putting on sea salt scrubs...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Jeans of Loathing...
Equipment changed.
Putting on World's Best Adventurer sash...
Equipment changed.
Putting on fossilized necklace...
Equipment changed.
Putting on navel ring of navel gazing...
Equipment changed.


Active member
This is new!
> maximize

160 combinations checked, best score 0.00
Searching for "little box of fireworks"...
Search complete.
Stopped purchasing little box of fireworks @ 8,200,000.
Using cached search results for little box of fireworks...
Stopped purchasing little box of fireworks @ 8,200,000.
You need 1 more little box of fireworks to continue.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

EDIT: It wanted to steal them from another familiar. Which yes, had them. When I removed them from the familiar, maximize worked correctly.


Looks awesome. It grabbed both of my rusted-out shootin' irons earlier without any problems. Thanks for the fix!


Active member
Can you please be more specific? What did you do, what did you expect to happen, what actually happened?

The maximizer acquire code was updated to be more friendly towards pulls and I haven't experienced any problems with it since, despite having it pull multiple items. It has done so properly since.


> inv saucepanic

Saucepanic (3)

> closet put * saucepanic

Placing items into closet...
Requests complete.

> maximize myst, weapon,offhand

24 combinations checked, best score 1,493.00
Removing items from closet...
You acquire an item: Saucepanic
Wielding Saucepanic...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Saucepanic...
Equipment changed.
Holding Saucepanic...
Why bother putting a weapon into your offhand if you don't have anything in your on-hand? "On-hand?" Whatever.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

I emptied Hagnk's, so I can't test that aspect.


Why was this marked fixed again? As of r15696, it is still not working.

> familiar disembodied hand

Putting Vic the Jumpsuited Hound Dog back into terrarium...
Taking Bob the Disembodied Hand out of terrarium...
Requests complete.

> closet put * saucepanic

Placing items into closet...
Requests complete.

> maximize myst,weapon,familiar

12 combinations checked, best score 1,467.00
Removing items from closet...
You acquire an item: Saucepanic
Wielding Saucepanic...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Saucepanic...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Saucepanic...
Equipment changed.

This unequipped the saucepanic from my weapon slot rather than taking another one from the closet.