Bug - Fixed Tower - Complete quest script is having issues

It successfully does the first familiar, after your shadow is dead (and everything prior to that), then undoes all the gear changes it made... before failing with a message: Your [tower counter-familiar] can't equip a [non-generic familiar equipment]. It then stops; you have to run it again to get it to do familiar #2.

An example of the message given in the gCLI, with a Levitating Potato as the tower counter-familiar and the non-generic familiar equipment being a miniature dormouse:

Your Levitating Potato can't equip a miniature dormouse
This only happens when a sugar shield is available as familiar equipment (or an astral pet sweater, which I haven't tested), and the tower script switches to it when it's swapping gear around. When it tries to restore your gear it fails as above. KoLmafia r14678.


Staff member
This only happens when a sugar shield is available as familiar equipment (or an astral pet sweater, which I haven't tested), and the tower script switches to it when it's swapping gear around. When it tries to restore your gear it fails as above. KoLmafia r14678.

Since I inevitably jump to conclusions and incorrectly relate cause and effect, this comment needs to be treated as an anecdote that should be taken with a whole cellar of salt. With that in mind, I see this on most Ascensions.

I typically automate the Tower - either by manually running KoLmafia's Tower script or by letting BCCAscend do its thing. Automation stops because the appropriate familiar is not available (rarely) or does not weigh enough. Go to the familiar trainer and train to a buffed weight of 20 lbs. This usually happens twice since I tend to favor 100% runs so there is no leveling in run. If I have familiar specific equipment I often see the message that <Familiar> cannot equip <Familiar Equipment>.

I don't have familiar equipment locked and I specifically don't have a sugar shield or astral pet sweater.

If I wanted to investigate I would first want to verify the way familiars and equipment are changed in the tower script and in the trainer.
I've confirmed that there is a bug; it happened again, but only at the second familiar challenge, when it tried to restore non-generic familiar gear to a familiar that can't equip it. The first challenge was fine, since generic equipment was used to pass it.