How do I click on Lady Spookyraven in a script?


New member
I assume I'd use the visit_url function but i'm not sure how to find what page to visit exactly since i'm not currently on the quest.

Any help would be great.


(sorry if this is a dumb question or has already been explained somewhere but either the forum search system is terrible or i'm just being an idiot but either way i'm really frustrated so i just asked here.)


It's not a dumb question since there no way to deduce it. I just dug it out of the code of bumcheekascend for you. She has a different URL on each floor.



Staff member
The easiest way is to look at your session log.

You acquire an item: ghost of a necklace

[122] The Haunted Ballroom
Encounter: Having a Ball in the Ballroom

You acquire an item: dusty poppet
You acquire an item: rickety rocking horse
You acquire an item: antique jack-in-the-box

You acquire an item: ghost formula

So, it is manor1_ladys if you are visiting her on floor 1 of the manor, manor2_ladys if you are visiting her on floor 2 of the manor, manor3_ladys if you are visiting her on floor 3 of the manor.

If KoLmafia doesn't have special knowledge about what to log for a particular place that you visit, it logs the URL. Which is exactly what you needed, in this case. :)


I stand corrected. There is an easy way to discover it. Thanks, Veracity. I'll try to remember that the next time. :)


New member
ah sweet, thanks guys.

i tried just stealing some stuff from bumcheekascend and EoD's SC ascension scripts and extracting them for certain quests but it all ties in with other parts of the script so I decided to just try making some from scratch as practice but it's turning out to be way more complex to do simple quests than i thought it would be.

this one isn't necessarily particularly complex but there's a bunch of things (like visitpage) that i didn't realize would be involved

(i'm a total noob at scripting and coding in general if that wasn't apparent)

anyway.. thanks for the help! i'll use the session log to check it next time