buy from mall fails with too many "limit 1" stores

My daily supplies script tries to buy fifteen twinkly wads from the mall. Recently that script has started aborting after buying ten. Even the command line "buy 15 twinkly wad" fails. The cause seems to be "limit 1" stores with the cheapest mall prices: KoLmafia buys from them, then aborts before considering any other stores. If I manually search for twinkly wads, highlight the first twenty or so stores (including the ten "limit 1" stores and several more with prices only a few meat higher), I can purchase as many as I want. Is there a setting that tells KoLmafia to abort after searching too many stores in the mall? If so, is there a way to override that for a specific purchase? Ten stores does appear to be the magic number, because if there are nine "limit 1" stores and a tenth with a large inventory, my script doesn't abort.