New Content - Implemented Use Shrap to kill "Dad Seamonkey" if Toynado isn't available


I don't have Toynado; when I fight Dad and need a physical spell, mafia fills in the skill dropdown with one of the other 120MP elemental spells instead.

I do have Shrap, which is a stronger physical spell, so if I knew to use it I would be fine. Could mafia select Shrap if it's available, or print some error message about physical damage skill needed, instead of silently selecting a wrong skill?

Awesome Balls of Fire/Volcanometeor Showereruption is probably the same situation.


Active member
That would be an excellent Feature Request. As this isn't actually a New Content thread, it's probably not the greatest place to requests for additional features, like adding new skills that didn't exit at the time...


Staff member
What's actually happening here is that mafia sees that you don't have the skill and does nothing there, which means that your previously-used skill is selected because that's what KoL does. Unless you actually have a case where the wrong skill wasn't the right skill for the previous round. I have an idea for handling it.


Two suggestions to improve the situation:
  1. If the character has Shrap instead of Toynado, select Shrap. It will do the same job, but better.
  2. Instead of doing nothing when the character lacks the appropriate skill, it would be better to select none.


Staff member
13964 selects Shrap/Volcanometeor if you don't have the other skills (and I realized after changing the code that the "dad" command gets the same fix with it). If you have no way of handling an element, mafia will still just list the previous skill, because that would be a bit of effort to change with no real practical benefit.