New Content - Implemented airplane charter: Spring Break Beach


Other than getting those two text pieces included, I think with r14039 quest handling/tracking is complete.

Edit - Meh, wanted to ascend again and to completed this more than I wanted meat.
Last edited:


Is there a cleverer way to determine if the zone is open than just setting it when you use the item first, and when you see the zones or adventure there? Should we force a hit on the airport on load if it isn't marked available (figuring airport will handle the other four areas too), or should we just mark it when people adventure there manually?

Or do we care, should we just get the message for attempting to adventure there without it open and handle that, as only people with the zone open will have Beach Bucks to spend, so probably doesn't matter for making things?

I think that is now all that is left to support the zone ?


I favor an approach that allows KoLmafia to know if the zone is available without the player needing to check it manually.


Active member
I can work on that tomorrow. I just got my ticket, but drunk for the day. Here's the start:
[B]Paradise Cheeseburger[/B]
Equip Buff Jimmy's paradise cheeseburger recipe
<p><b>Paradise Cheeseburger</b><br> Equip Buff Jimmy's paradise cheeseburger recipe<p>
After equipping:
[B]Paradise Cheeseburger[/B]
Gather the ingredients for Buff Jimmy's burger at the Sloppy Seconds Diner.
(0 / 15)
<p><b>Paradise Cheeseburger</b><br> Gather the ingredients for Buff Jimmy's burger at the <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=airport_sleaze><b>Sloppy Seconds Diner</b></a>.<br>(0 / 15)<p>
Note: If you don't have the recipe equipped, the quest log will give you the first message.


Added in r14041. I think I'll pretend the equip message doesn't exist. I don't want to try to handle moving between step1 and step2 based on what you have equipped!


Active member
Just to confirm, before you get 15 ingredients, it'll tell you to equip the recipe if it's not, even if you have 14/15.
With 15 ingredients:
[B]Paradise Cheeseburger[/B]
Take the ingredients back to [B]Buff Jimmy[/B].
<p><b>Paradise Cheeseburger</b><br> Take the ingredients back to <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=airport_sleaze><b>Buff Jimmy</b></a>.<p>
That doesn't change if you unequip the recipe. When you turn it in to Jimmy:
All right! I hope this cheeseburger is everything I dreamed it would be. I'm not too particular, and not too precise, but I think this is exactly what the doctor ordered. The cheeseburger doctor.

I'd give you a hug, but that seems like a little too much effort for a dude on his sixth margarita of the day. So I'll just give you some Beach Bucks instead.

(image)You acquire 30 Beach Bucks
<p>All right! I hope this cheeseburger is everything I dreamed it would be. I'm not too particular, and not too precise, but I think this is exactly what the doctor ordered. The cheeseburger doctor.<p>I'd give you a hug, but that seems like a little too much effort for a dude on his sixth margarita of the day. So I'll just give you some Beach Bucks instead.<center><table class="item" style="float: none" rel="id=7429&s=0&q=0&d=0&g=0&t=0&n=30&m=0&p=0&u=."><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/beachbuck.gif" alt="Beach Buck" title="Beach Buck" class=hand onClick='descitem(348779004)'></td><td valign=center class=effect>You acquire <b>30 Beach Bucks</b></td></tr></table></center>
Your completed quest log:
Paradise Cheeseburger
You gathered all of the ingredients for Buff Jimmy's weird cheeseburger.
<p><b>Paradise Cheeseburger</b><br> You gathered all of the ingredients for Buff Jimmy's weird cheeseburger.
This one doesn't have a closing /p in it.

If you need anything else for the other quests, I haven't done them yet. I'm going to be leveling up for a telescope run, so I have plenty of time.


Active member
as only people with the zone open will have Beach Bucks to spend, so probably doesn't matter for making things?

I don't think this is entirely correct. You can use a one-day ticket, make progress on quests, get some beach bucks, and still have no access the next day (until using another ticket).


Mafia still seems to be missing these recipes:
Stemonitis Staticus mushroom cooked with Pastaco shell makes Energy Buzz Pastaco
Stemonitis Staticus mushroom cocktailed with mushroom fermenting solution makes buzzing mushroom wine


r14075 adds sleazeAirportAlways and _sleazeAirportToday. The former is set when you use a charter (set it manually to avoid future server hits if you've already done so), the latter when you use a ticket, visit it or any of the zones in the relay browser, or try to autoadventure in those locations.

For some reason autoadventuring in Diner doesn't set it, but I can't work out why! Any ideas ?

Other than that minor fix I guess we are done now?


For some reason autoadventuring in Diner doesn't set it, but I can't work out why! Any ideas ?

If KoL times out you have to hit main.php before KoL recognizes you have Diner access. KoLmafia doesn't do an automatic hit on main.php after timeout. Could that be the source of your error?


If KoL times out you have to hit main.php before KoL recognizes you have Diner access. KoLmafia doesn't do an automatic hit on main.php after timeout. Could that be the source of your error?

Is it only the diner affected in this way of the three zones?

I don't think it can be, as I won't have timed out between building the new build, starting it and testing it, which took place over 2-3 minutes.


r14075 adds sleazeAirportAlways and _sleazeAirportToday. The former is set when you use a charter (set it manually to avoid future server hits if you've already done so), the latter when you use a ticket, visit it or any of the zones in the relay browser, or try to autoadventure in those locations.

For some reason autoadventuring in Diner doesn't set it, but I can't work out why! Any ideas ?

Other than that minor fix I guess we are done now?

I think a preference that tracks when you get an ultimate mind destroyer would be useful. Right now I just try every Thursday (if (now_to_string("E") == "Thu")) since that's the first time I got one, but it would be more robust if I had the actual date of the last time I got one.


r14075 adds sleazeAirportAlways and _sleazeAirportToday. The former is set when you use a charter (set it manually to avoid future server hits if you've already done so), the latter when you use a ticket, visit it or any of the zones in the relay browser, or try to autoadventure in those locations.

For some reason autoadventuring in Diner doesn't set it, but I can't work out why! Any ideas ?

Other than that minor fix I guess we are done now?

So in other words, type
set sleazeAirportAlways = true
in the gCLI if you've used a charter in the past?


I think a preference that tracks when you get an ultimate mind destroyer would be useful. Right now I just try every Thursday (if (now_to_string("E") == "Thu")) since that's the first time I got one, but it would be more robust if I had the actual date of the last time I got one.
Is that day based on local day or server day or rollover?

Is there anything else before we call this complete?


Server day would be best. Though that would require the user have a way to compare it to current server day.

I think this is the last thing one might implement for this content.


Staff member
The question wasn't "what would be best", it was "how does KoL implement it?" I think "server day" there means that it would work like tuesday's ruby and field gar.