New Content - Implemented Palindome Revamp


Active member
I suppose that this is probably the right thread to note that The Palindome has moved to snarfblat 386.

Edit: New item:
Unknown item found: photograph of a dog (7263, 901451635)
7263 photograph of a dog 901451635 dogphoto.gif none q 0
# photograph of a dog

Unknown item found: "I Love Me, Vol. I" (7262, 191091046)
7262 "I Love Me, Vol. I" 191091046 book4.gif usable q 0
# "I Love Me, Vol. I"
Dr Awkward's office is now at place.php?whichplace=palindome&action=pal_droffice which is found by reading the new I Love Me book. And then there's a photo arranging puzzle.

Oh right. The photograph of a dog dropped from Bob Racecar.

Edit again: Solving the puzzle gives:
Unknown item found: "2 Love Me, Vol. 2" (7270, 532884141)
7270 "2 Love Me, Vol. 2" 532884141 book4.gif usable q 0
# "2 Love Me, Vol. 2"
Last edited:


Staff member
I updated everything needed for Drawn Onward, at least. I don't know if palinshelves.1.js needs to be bumped to palinshelves.2.js.


Staff member
You do. The fact that it has a version number in the file name is a clue to that effect.

KoLConstants.RELAY_FILES is the list of "built in relay files".
For each of those, if the content includes the string MAFIAHIT, we replace it with "pwd=<current password hash>"
Otherwise, if it is not a .html file, we set Last-Modified and Expires - and the browser will probably not even bother to ask for it again until the Expires date is past.

All the RELAY_FILES that do NOT require a MAFIAHIT do not have a version number.
All the non-html-others have a version number - and if you change the file, you need to bump the version number so that the browser will ask for it, rather than using the version it cached.


Active member
It looks like the old palindome adventure is now call "The Palindome (OLD)" by the forest florist.


Active member
Got an oddity this morning:
Looking at item #2258...
Unknown item found: "I Love Me, Vol. I" (2258, 969815696)
2258 "I Love Me, Vol. I" 969815696 book4.gif usable q 0
# "I Love Me, Vol. I"
I take it this will be a side effect until I ascend?


Staff member
There are two items with the same name, so there's not much mafia can do about that. Since one of those items is now impossible to get, and the palindrome naming scheme means it wasn't arbitrary, I doubt any of that will change on KoL's side.


Staff member
I'm seeing some interesting behavior. r13839. Something that happens makes mafia think there is a new Palindrome and from that point on there is an Override area. Many things involving auto-adventure or scripted adventuring then do not work as I expect. I seem to recall some previously supported choices showing up as unsupported. I'm not sure that anyone has tried to fix but figured I'd mention it as a reminder, if nothing esle.


A choice adventures was changed. For a completely obscure reason.

[578] The Palindome
Encounter: Rod Nevada, Vendor
Unsupported choice adventure #873
choice 1: Accept (500 Meat)
choice 2: Decline

It used to be choiceAdventure130. Now it need to be changed in defaults.txt to choiceAdventure873


That makes perfect sense except for the fact that "Do Geese See God?" is still choice adventure 129. I verified that. Can you think of a reason why one would be changed and not the other?

It seems obscure to me.

Edit: Oh, never mind. I understand now. "Do Geese See God?" has always produced a photograph. This one is new.
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Staff member
I updated everything needed for Drawn Onward, at least. I don't know if palinshelves.1.js needs to be bumped to palinshelves.2.js.
This did not appear to work, since palinshelves.php is now choice.php for choice #872. Presumably code needs to go into ChoiceManager.decorateChoice to reproduce the old functionality.

(Am I the only one who did not realize that when "I Love Me, Vol I" told me to "look for Dr. Awkward's office in the Palindome" that I needed to look for it in the palindome CONTAINER document, rather than clicking the "Last Adventure" link to go to the Palindome adventure zone? I followed that up by clicking Adventure Again 79 more times before I got frustrated and filed a bug report because I was unable to find Dr. Awkward's office. That will almost certainly add a day to this AoSP run. Sigh.)


Staff member
I did add code to decorateChoice (13831). It also worked for me yesterday. Since I also renamed the file, I don't know what else could be missing.


Staff member
I just visited it. I have all 4 photos in inventory. It left all 4 dropdowns as "photograph of God".

Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 10.39.24 AM.png

I had the debug log going, including verbose communications with browser and decorated responses.

-----From Browser-----
GET /place.php?whichplace=palindome&action=pal_drlabel HTTP/1.1
Starting relay script: place.ash
Finished relay script: place.ash
class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.RelayRequest
-----To Browser-----
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: choice.php?forceoption=0
-----From Browser-----
GET /choice.php?forceoption=0 HTTP/1.1
class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.RelayRequest
Retrieving server reply
ResponseText has 9532 characters.
-----To Browser-----
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 10214
<script language="Javascript" src="/palinshelves.2.js"></script>
Hmm. Looking at my source tree:

$ svn update
Updating '.':
At revision 13854.

$ svn status
? containers.txt
? kolmafia.txt

$ ls src/relay/palin*

$ grep -i palin src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/
public static final String PALINSHELVES_JS = "palinshelves.2.js";

I am certainly past 18831, but I am not seeing palinshelves.3.js


Staff member
I changed it from .1 to .2 in 13832 after changing the file's contents in 13831, so all those references to palinshelves.2.js should be correct. I guess it could be a browser-dependent issue, since the page structure is probably a bit different now than it used to be.


Staff member
I tried with Firefox (my default Relay Browser) and Safari (my default Browser). I cleared the cache for both before visiting Dr. Awkward's office. No effect; every dropdown still had photograph of God selected.


Well-known member
I had the same experience as Veracity, shelves not auto-filling properly, earlier today. I was using Firefox 27 and KoLMafia v13854.


Active member
In the noting of changes related to this, everybody has noticed that you no longer need to actually FIND Alarm, right? The second book shows you right where he's at... :)