Bug - Fixed Changing Workshop items does not remove old item from Mafia's Campground info


When a campground item is used, mafia correctly removes it from inventory and adds the old one to inventory, but it does not remove the old campground item from the workshop...

[COLOR="olive"]> ash get_campground()[/COLOR]

Returned:     aggregate int [item]
bartender-in-the-box => 1
Certificate of     Participation => 1
chef-in-the-box => 1
Dramatic™ range => 1
handful     of barley => 0
pagoda plans => 1
Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting     kit => 1
warbear auto-anvil => 1

[COLOR="olive"]> use 1 warbear induction oven[/COLOR]

Using 1 warbear induction oven...
You acquire an item: warbear     auto-anvil
Finished using 1 warbear induction oven.

[COLOR="olive"]> ash get_campground()[/COLOR]

Returned:     aggregate int [item]
bartender-in-the-box => 1
Certificate of     Participation => 1
chef-in-the-box => 1
Dramatic™ range => 1
handful     of barley => 0
pagoda plans => 1
Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting     kit => 1
warbear auto-anvil => 1
warbear induction oven => 1

In that example, the warbear auto-anvil is still in my campground despite having been returned to inventory. Mafia actually thinks I've got two workshop items in my campground at the same time. ;)
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