Bug - Fixed disembodied hand in maximizer using pilfered goods

The maximizer wanted to use Shakespeare's Sister's Accordion on my disembodied hand, but the hand didn't want it.

32 combinations checked, best score 508.75
Wielding star crossbow...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Shakespeare's Sister's Accordion...
Your Disembodied Hand isn't willing to play pilfered goods.
I was out of town and ascended before I read this thread, but I have a couple of accordions in my inventory and so far the maximizer is not suggesting to use any of those on hand with the hand, so this may be fixed.

That was testing with r13623, currently in a HC BIG! AT ascension. I put all my equipment in my closet except for the 3 accordions I had, and the maximizer suggested using nothing with the hand using "hp regen +hot damage -weapon -offhand". I did have a 1 handed accord ion so it could have tried to use that on the hand, but it did not suggest that.


Active member
Have you tested manually if the accord ion works? The r13588 patch simply made all mainhand-only weapons ineligible for the disembodied hand...


Active member
I think the point was that it does not work and now Mafia correctly does not attempt to maximize it in there.