New Content - Implemented Crimbotown is here!


Adding new location: WarBear Fortress (First Level) - adventure.php?snarfblat=366

Ah, WarBear Fortress (First Level)! Nothing brightens up an indoor space like some plants, I always say.

6913 warbear whosit 298390391 wbwhosit.gif none t 0
# warbear whosit
6914 warbear hoverbelt piecepart 697406281 wbhoverpiece.gif multiple t 0
# warbear hoverbelt piecepart
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Unknown item found: warbear battery (6916, 546814651)
6916 warbear battery 546814651 wbattery.gif multiple t 0
# warbear battery
You acquire an item: warbear battery


r13398 - initial non-combat support.

Other stuff I have found but not done any implementation around:
Warbear Fortress isn't available until you've spoken to Uncle Crimbo
K.R.A.M.P.U.S. facility isn't available until you've done non-combat 813 on the First Level of the Fortress.
Second upgrade to a machine costs 500 whosits.

Lots of other items and stuff is being found by people spending lots of meat. 8 hoverbelt pieces make a hoverbelt. batteries let you do some turns in a higher place using one.
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Not at home now, so not updating it. There's a break or too missing in ChoiceManager cases added this morning.

Level 3 warbears are High-Ranking Warbear Officer, their image starts Warbear2 to help identification. They drop 3 warbear whosits and sometimes warbear officer requisition box.

From what I got (and more from mall). All the bears are (currently) copyable.

6917 warbear badge 517026798 wbbadge.gif none t 0
# warbear badge
6958 warbear exo-arm 336074564 wbexoarm.gif accessory t 0
warbear exo-arm 0 none
# warbear exo-arm: Increases the magnitude of your Smacks
warbear exo-arm Class: "Seal Clubber", Single Equip
6960 warbear energy bracers 298186114 wbbracers.gif accessory t 0
warbear energy bracers 0 none
# warbear energy bracers: Monster attacks reduce MP instead of HP
warbear energy bracers Class: "Pastamancer", Single Equip
6961 warbear oil pan 172541223 wboilpan.gif weapon t 0
warbear oil pan 50 Mys: 0 1-handed saucepan
# warbear oil pan: Lets you sling hot grease!
warbear oil pan Hot Spell Damage: +10, Sleaze Spell Damage: +10, Class: "Sauceror"
6962 warbear laser beacon 192221665 wbbeacon.gif accessory t 0
warbear laser beacon 0 none
# warbear laser beacon: Attracts Cool Lasers
# warbear laser beacon: (Lasers respond to Disco Momentum)
warbear laser beacon Class: "Disco Bandit", Single Equip
6963 warbear exhaust manifold 663072855 wbacc.gif weapon t 0
warbear exhaust manifold 50 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
warbear exhaust manifold Stench Damage: +20, Class: "Accordion Thief", Song Duration: 10
6965 warbear auto-anvil 145721549 wbanvil.gif usable t 0
# warbear auto-anvil: Allows Meatsmithing without using an Adventure
# warbear auto-anvil: (5x / day)
6966 warbear induction oven 259839260 wboven.gif usable t 0
# warbear induction oven
6967 warbear chemistry lab 960408455 wbchemset.gif usable t 0
# warbear chemistry lab: Lets you occasionally cook extra Potions
6968 warbear officer requisition box 223861765 wbpresent2.gif usable g 0
# warbear officer requisition box
6969 warbear empathy chip 496033151 wbchip.gif usable t 0
# warbear empathy chip
6970 warbear drone assembler 231753064 wbcapsule.gif grow t 0
# warbear drone assembler
6971 warbear breakfast machine assembler 375809411 wbbbox.gif usable t 0
# warbear breakfast machine assembler
New familiar: "Warbear Drone" (177) @ wbdronefam.gif
7034 warbear soda machine assembler 512081219 wbsoda.gif usable t 0
# warbear soda machine assembler
7035 warbear black box 138516543 wbblackbox.gif usable t 0
# warbear black box
7036 warbear high-efficiency still 229779565 wbstill.gif usable t 0
# warbear high-efficiency still: Sometimes recovers ingredients when you craft cocktails
7037 warbear LP-ROM burner 448554185 wblprom.gif usable t 0
# warbear LP-ROM burner: Lets you make recordings of your Accordion Thief buffs
7038 warbear gyrocopter 417127874 wbcopter.gif none, curse t 0
# warbear gyrocopter
7039 warbear robo-camouflage unit 788708885 wbhex.gif usable t 0
warbear robo-camouflage unit Effect: "Robocamo", Effect Duration: 100
7040 warbear beeping telegram 621299563 wbtelegram.gif none, curse t 0
# warbear beeping telegram
7041 warbear procedural hilarity drone 844782285 wbjokebot.gif none, curse t 0
# warbear procedural hilarity drone
7042 warbear metalworking primer 677296114 wbtablet.gif usable t 0
# warbear metalworking primer
7043 warbear sequential gaiety distribution system 615321845 wbgiftbot.gif usable t 0
# warbear sequential gaiety distribution system
7049 broken warbear gyrocopter 649705949 wbcopter2.gif usable t 0
# broken warbear gyrocopter
7050 warbear gyro 676764109 gyro.gif food t,d 1
warbear gyro 3 3 good 0 0 0 0
# warbear gyro
7055 breakfast mess 488394687 wbbreakfast.gif food t,d 5
breakfast mess 2 2 decent 0 0 0 0
# breakfast mess
7056 warbear breakfast machine 298578303 wbbbox2.gif reusable 0
# warbear breakfast machine
7058 Cloaca Cola Polar 815249008 wbcola.gif mp, usable t,d 5
Cloaca Cola Polar Effect: "Polar Express", Effect Duration: 50
7059 warbear soda machine 427609176 wbsoda2.gif reusable 0
# warbear soda machine
1485 Robocamo wbhex.gif 0d17b4a6ae786765efc7378f80fe7b0c use 1 warbear robo-camouflage unit
# Robocamo: Beep Boop
1486 Polar Express wbcola.gif 746eececed3413261ea31ca92209466e use 1 Cloaca Cola Polar
Polar Express MP Regen Min: 10, MP Regen Max: 20

The breakfast machine and soda machine come from warbear officer requisition box. Rest mostly came from Mall, so can't comment. Stuff like still and anvil apparently go into a workshed which persists across ascensions.

warbear breakfast machine is usable 1/day - Fail message "You've already made breakfast today. Give the machine a rest, will you? It's not a machine."
warbear soda machine is usable 1/day - Fail message "You press all the buttons, but no more soda comes out. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow the guy will have restocked it."
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Staff member
Revision 13400 adds the items you found. It also adds the recipe for the hover belt and detects when you fail to adventure because your belt needs a new battery.

I saw something weird when I tried to automate an adventure right after logging in.


Adventure Results:
Where is Crimbo Town? In your heart, that's where.

Next time I tried it, I got the expected "Your hoverbelt would totally do the trick to get you up there, only it's out of juice."


Staff member
The item description of the belt tells you how charged it is:

A little red readout on the belt says <b><font color=red>8</font></b>.

I considered collapsing the Officers into a single monster - and we can still do that, but via parsing the description, I think. They differ in capabilities. Here are some samples, with info from Manuel.

I have Mus: 116 Mys: 140 Mox: 116

Speed-Boosted Warbear Officer
Atk: 110 Def: 107 HP: 226
Atk: 129 Def: 125 HP: 229

Vicious Warbear Officer
Atk: 168 Def: 112 HP: 105

Poly-Phasic Warbear Officer
Atk: 115 Def: 111 HP: 110

Hardened Warbear Officer
Atk: 138 Def: 139 HP: 134

Additionally, some officers are accompanied by drones.
refrigerator drones cause cold damage
mortuary drones cause spooky damage
venom-something drones poison you.
Probably not appropriate as a conventional breakfast item, but is there any chance you'd consider making mafia automatically extract items from KRAMPUS upon login, now that it's confirmed they produce items daily?
I saw something weird when I tried to automate an adventure right after logging in.


Adventure Results:
Where is Crimbo Town? In your heart, that's where.

Next time I tried it, I got the expected "Your hoverbelt would totally do the trick to get you up there, only it's out of juice."

It appears the "Where is Crimbo Town? ..." is the message given when KoL thinks Crimbo Town has not been opened, and the player should thus not be allowed to access it (using an "adventure again" link, using direct URL manipulation, or using an external client such as KoLmafia).

I have seen it happen without apparent reason for a few minutes at a time, and then get available again. The G-D thread about Crimbo Town also has some people mention the same. So far I'm saying this is either a KoL bug (checking a wrong flag, or a wrong time value), or some admin intervention when they change something and thus temporarily remove Crimbo Town access.



Added tracking for soda machine (_warbearSodaMachineUsed), breakfast machine (_warbearBreakfastMachineUsed) and Psychokinetic Hug (_psychokineticHugUsed).
Identify warbears based on image. (warbear1x, warbear2x, warbear3x) Added their drops, but not stats as still to be spaded. Stats will vary with abilities and number killed that day. Once spaded we could take out the recognition based on image and handle the different types, and present correct stats, but a little pointless at present.


Added Warbear Drone familiar. It's actually quite handy against the Warbears, as it does weight based damage each round. In the first combat round it acts it does 1 physical or elemental attack for (?2+weight/5), then 2 attacks in the next, 3 in the next, and so on til it hits 6 attacks, one for each elemental type + physical. With the familiar equipment it does 3 on the first round, but still caps at 6 attacks.


Active member
I have seen it happen without apparent reason for a few minutes at a time, and then get available again. The G-D thread about Crimbo Town also has some people mention the same. So far I'm saying this is either a KoL bug (checking a wrong flag, or a wrong time value), or some admin intervention when they change something and thus temporarily remove Crimbo Town access.
Yesterday, every time I was auto logged out, when I returned Crimbo town was gone until I hit main.php. That's not really a KoL bug, since when you log onto KoL normally your browser will access main.php. Nor is this the first time strange things have happened in mafia because it doesn't touch main.php when logging on. I hate advocating for an extra server hit, but if Jick is going to continue to assume everyone hits main.php while logging on, that might be needed.


Staff member
There's usually no purpose at all to loading main.php more than once per day, so I really can't agree with loading it at every login just in case there's a KoL issue to resolve.


Active member
I have found though that is true. If you auto-log-off, Crimbo stops being accessible until you reload main.php again. If you click straight to the Mountains, the town disappears again.
I can confirm Theraze's and Crowther's findings. Indeed it was not "just a few minutes", but it appears the "crimbo town is accessible" session flag gets set by main.php.


Staff member
Using the LP-ROM burner at your campsite's workshop is choice 821. You can use it to record songs, like at the end of the AT nemesis quest. I tried using HaciendaManager.preRecording( ChoiceManager.lastResponseText ); in ChoiceManager, but the recording just made stays selected there
<option value="532" selected="selected">Elron's Explosive Etude (2/10)</option>
and the regex doesn't match. I can't check that area out, so I didn't want to mess with the regex to fix one thing just to break another thing.


I just searched the mall for 'warbear' and it returned a bunch of new stuff (is there a quick way to add these to the data files for submitting that I'm unaware of?):

Unknown item found: warbear bearserker potion (6919, 970200197)
6919 warbear bearserker potion 970200197 wbpotion.gif usable t 0
warbear bearserker potion Effect: "Bearserker Bearrage", Effect Duration: 20
1468 Bearserker Bearrage angry.gif b1d5b04a2c892319b62566f16a0b464e use 1 warbear bearserker potion
# Bearserker Bearrage: +20 WarBear Armor Penetration
Unknown item found: warbear liquid overcoat (6920, 896823676)
6920 warbear liquid overcoat 896823676 wbpotion.gif usable t 0
warbear liquid overcoat Effect: "Warbear on the Inside", Effect Duration: 20
1469 Warbear on the Inside batgut.gif 4131d1de86680021f1dc13b5d6f79580 use 1 warbear liquid overcoat
# Warbear on the Inside: So-So Supercold Resistance (+2)
Unknown item found: warbear rejuvenation potion (7048, 334843906)
7048 warbear rejuvenation potion 334843906 wbpotion.gif usable t,d 10
warbear rejuvenation potion Effect: "New and Improved", Effect Duration: 20
Unknown item found: warbear superpotion (7046, 938549313)
7046 warbear superpotion 938549313 wbpotion.gif usable t,d 10
warbear superpotion Effect: "Warbear Hunter", Effect Duration: 50
1488 Warbear Hunter wbhat4.gif 4fb1858369eeb8839e418a0a9e636bd1 use 1 warbear superpotion
# Warbear Hunter: +10% Item Drops from WarBears
# Warbear Hunter: +40 WarBear Armor Penetration
# Warbear Hunter: So-So Supercold Resistance (+2)
Unknown item found: warbear wardance potion (6918, 283899521)
6918 warbear wardance potion 283899521 wbpotion.gif usable t 0
warbear wardance potion Effect: "Dances with Warbears", Effect Duration: 20
1467 Dances with Warbears dance2.gif d4302ddf9381c83b9ebb513290e94c0f use 1 warbear wardance potion
# Dances with Warbears: +10% Item Drops from WarBears


And here's a mall search for the new die-cast items:

Searching for die...
Unknown item found: blind-packed die-cast metal toy (6972, 122067126)
6972 blind-packed die-cast metal toy 122067126 wbdiecast.gif usable t 0
# blind-packed die-cast metal toy
Searching for die (2 of 5)...
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer (6973, 620573722)
6973 tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer 620573722 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer Sleaze Damage: +1
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer (6974, 407638903)
6974 tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer 407638903 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer HP Regen Min: 1, HP Regen Max: 2
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer (6975, 697146042)
6975 tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer 697146042 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer Weapon Damage: +2
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast factory worker elf (6981, 792836209)
6981 tiny die-cast factory worker elf 792836209 dcelf.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast factory worker elf 0 none
tiny die-cast factory worker elf Spell Damage Percent: +5
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Father Crimbo (7002, 537434639)
7002 tiny die-cast Father Crimbo 537434639 dcfcrimbo.gif accessory t 0
tiny die-cast Father Crimbo 0 none
tiny die-cast Father Crimbo Muscle: +5, Mysticality: +5, Moxie: +5, Food Drop: +10
Searching for die (3 of 5)...
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf (6982, 509908443)
6982 tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf 509908443 dcelf.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf 0 none
tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf Maximum HP: +5
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast golden ring (6992, 196025684)
6992 tiny die-cast golden ring 196025684 dcring.gif accessory t,d 10
tiny die-cast golden ring 0 none
tiny die-cast golden ring Adventures: +2
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer (6976, 575104114)
6976 tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer 575104114 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer Muscle: +1
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer (6977, 156277103)
6977 tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer 156277103 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer 0 none
# tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer: Cold Damage
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast killing bird (6991, 933754423)
6991 tiny die-cast killing bird 933754423 dcbird2.gif accessory t 0
tiny die-cast killing bird 0 none
tiny die-cast killing bird PvP Fights: +2
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast middle-management elf (6983, 346868081)
6983 tiny die-cast middle-management elf 346868081 dcelf.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast middle-management elf 0 none
tiny die-cast middle-management elf Booze Drop: +5
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf (6984, 791295153)
6984 tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf 791295153 dcelf.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf 0 none
tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf Ranged Damage: +2
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg (6997, 953156619)
6997 tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg 953156619 dcelfborg.gif accessory t,d 10
tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg 0 none
tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg Critical Hit Percent: +5
Searching for die (4 of 5)...
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer (6978, 725135432)
6978 tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer 725135432 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer Maximum MP: +3
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer (6979, 496305992)
6979 tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer 496305992 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer Stench Damage: +1
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming (6994, 414298871)
6994 tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming 414298871 dcswarm.gif accessory t,d 10
tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming 0 none
tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming Initiative: +20
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Swiss hen (6990, 128673172)
6990 tiny die-cast Swiss hen 128673172 dcbird.gif accessory t,d 10
tiny die-cast Swiss hen 0 none
tiny die-cast Swiss hen Weapon Damage Percent: +10
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo (7001, 372614003)
7001 tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo 372614003 dchobo.gif accessory t 0
tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo 0 none
tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo HP Regen Min: 3, HP Regen Max: 5, MP Regen Min: 3, MP Regen Max: 5, Booze Drop: +10
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign (6986, 539685555)
6986 tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign 539685555 dcsign.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign 0 none
tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign Monster Level: +1
Unknown item found: tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer (6980, 801455555)
6980 tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer 801455555 dcreindeer.gif accessory t,d 5
tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer 0 none
tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer Spooky Damage: +1
Searching for die (5 of 5)...
Search complete.