Bug - Not A Bug Apparantly failing to set choiceAdventure123 property.


Active member
[369] The Daily Dungeon
Encounter: I Wanna Be a Door
Manual control requested for choice #692
choice 1: Try the doorknob (suffer trap effects)
choice 2: Use a skeleton key (unlock door with key, no turn spent)
choice 4: Bash it down (bypass trap with muscle)
choice 5: Magic it open (bypass trap with mysticality)
choice 6: Sneak past it (bypass trap with moxie)
choice 8: Leave the way you came in. (leave, no turn spent)
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Encounter: I Wanna Be a Door

> prefref 692

> prefref 692

> prefref e692

> prefref 69

choiceAdventure169 (user, now '0', default 3)
choiceAdventure469 (user, now '0', default 0)
choiceAdventure569 (user, now '1', default 1)
choiceAdventure669 (user, now '0', default 0)
choiceAdventure695 (user, now '1', default 1)
unknownRecipe5069 (user, now 'false', default true)
unknownRecipe6569 (user, now 'true', default true)

The above was all expected when I had "show in browser" selected. But I since changed the option for the relevant choice adventure via the drop-downs in the main window and re-checked the prefref 692 command, and got nothing. The same happens for all choiceAdventure properties in the revamped daily dungeon.


prefref doesn't work the way you believe. Observe:

> prefref 692

> get choiceAdventure692


Prefref will only display preferences that are in defaults.txt and not all preferences have an assigned default value. When that happens I recommend that you try "get" and the full name of the preference.

Not a bug.


Staff member
> help prefref

No matching commands found!
You just submitted a bug report against KoLmafia because a user-defined script or alias doesn't work the way you think it does. I'm glad Bale explained what was going on before I had to waste my time learning this was not actually a bug in KoLmafia...