Bug - Fixed "make" doesn't get items from hermit as needed


Active member
Although with that said, this just happened.

> make bjorn's ha

Verifying ingredients for Bjorn's Hammer (1)...
You need 1 more seal-clubbing club to continue.

I had the big rock. Should mafia not again auto-use on-a-string for these? [Alternatively, phrasing it as it would be a good idea if this happened]


Staff member
> inv big rock

> buy 1 big rock

Searching for "big rock"...
Search complete.
Purchasing big rock (1 @ 2,069)...
Purchases complete.

> inv seal tooth

seal tooth (2)

> closet put 2 seal tooth

Placing items into closet...
Requests complete.
I have a rock but no seal tooth.

> set autoSatisfyWithMall=false

autoSatisfyWithMall => false

> set autoSatisfyWithNPCs=false

autoSatisfyWithNPCs => false

> set autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters=false

autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters => false
No mall -> won't buy a seal tooth or a Bjorn's hammer
No NPC -> won't buy a chewing gum
No Coinmaster -> won't loot hermit

> make 1 Bjorn's ha

Verifying ingredients for Bjorn's Hammer (1)...
Verifying ingredients for seal-toothed rock (1)...
You need 1 more seal tooth to continue.
As expected.

> set autoSatisfyWithNPCs=true

autoSatisfyWithNPCs => true

> make 1 Bjorn's ha

Verifying ingredients for Bjorn's Hammer (1)...
Verifying ingredients for seal-toothed rock (1)...
You need 1 more seal tooth to continue.
As expected - can't loot hermit

> set autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters=true

autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters => true

> make 1 Bjorn's ha

Verifying ingredients for Bjorn's Hammer (1)...
Verifying ingredients for seal-toothed rock (1)...
You need 1 more seal tooth to continue.
NOT as expected: has permission to buy chewing gum and to loot the hermit.

> acquire 1 seal tooth

Verifying ingredients for seal tooth (1)...
Pulling items from storage...
Searching for "chewing gum on a string"...
Search complete.
Purchasing chewing gum on a string (1 @ 50)...
You acquire an item: chewing gum on a string
You spent 50 Meat
Purchases complete.
Using 1 chewing gum on a string...
You acquire an item: worthless knick-knack
Finished using 1 chewing gum on a string.
Purchasing seal tooth (1 @ 1 worthless item)...
Visiting the Hermit...
You acquire an item: seal tooth
Hermit successfully looted!
Successfully created seal tooth (1)
So, why didn't it do this when I told it to make the Bjorn's hammer?