Semirare window begin counter expired

How can I suppress this so it doesn't stop my script on my newly ascended character? Also, is there a way to make interrupt my adventuring? For instance, if I make my main adventure at hobo town square for 200 turns, I will see it go "Semirare window begin counter expired" in red but it won't stop my adventuring.

Other random questions no pertaining to the title....

When I ascend, Bale's (amazing) Universal Recovery script goes back to "do not heal me", which makes my guy beaten up and sad when I forget to turn it back on. Is there away to have it keep its previous ascension settings?

Lastly, is there away to get my CCS to change automatically when I ascend?

Thanks for all the help as always :)


Staff member
You want to set a Post-Ascension script (Preferences -> Automation). In it, you can have "counters clear" to get rid of that counter that aborts your adventuring (you can't keep the counter and also have it not abort, its benefit for the majority of people was considered high enough to outweigh any annoyance to others for that once-per-run extra click).

You can "set customCombatScript = [whatever]" to change your CCS.

You can do the same thing with whatever settings are relevant to UR.


Active member
Well, yes, you can have it show and not abort... you just need a counter script that does nothing there. :)


The settings that control when and how much Mafia will restore hp/mp are:
They correspond to the values in Adventure tab -> HP/MP Usage mid-tab.

Mafia resets hpAutoRecovery and mpAutoRecovery when you ascend to avoid any problem. You can reset those in the post-ascension hook in Preferences -> Automation.

I think Bale's newLife.ash (a post-ascension script) also sets those values.


Active member
And since the change to SVN, if you don't like the default settings, you can either change the personal version of newLife or put it into a wrapper. Depending on how many changes you have to make. :)