New Content - Implemented Accordion Thief Revamp


Let's start with the only two accordions that can be used by those who aren't ATs. They need to be added to the store manager.
Toy Accordion can be bought at the armory & leggery for 150 meat. Gives 5 turns per cast.
Antique Accordion can be bought at Uncle P's Antiques for 2500 meat. Gives 10 turns per cast.

Note that accordions now show the number of turns of effect they will give. Mafia parses it out as effect duration.

Unknown item found: toy accordion (6808, 228906554)
6808 toy accordion 228906554 accordion.gif weapon t,d 75
toy accordion 10 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
toy accordion Effect Duration: 5
Unknown item found: antique accordion (6809, 372349773)
6809 antique accordion 372349773 backcordion.gif weapon t,d 1000
antique accordion 10 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
antique accordion Effect Duration: 10
You acquire an item: antique accordion
You spent 2,500 Meat
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Accordion Thieves now have the ability to steal accordions. When you have the option, the fight page HTML looks like this:

<body onkeyup="handleCombatHotkey(event,false);" onkeydown="handleCombatHotkey(event,true);" ><div id="mafiabuttons"><center><table width="95%"><tr><td align=left><input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=custom';void(0);" value="script" id="defaultButton"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=attack';void(0);" value="attack"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=steal';void(0);" value="steal"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=skill&whichskill=3004';void(0);" value="noodles"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=skill&whichskill=19';void(0);" value="olfaction"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=skill&whichskill=4012';void(0);" value="saucegeyser"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=skill&whichskill=55';void(0);" value="volcanometeor showeruption"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=skill&whichskill=4009';void(0);" value="wave"> <input type="button" onClick="document.location.href='fight.php?action=skill&whichskill=3020';void(0);" value="spaghetti"> </td><td align=right><select id="hotkeyViewer" onchange="updateCombatHotkey();"><option>- update hotkeys -</option><option>0: </option><option>1: </option><option>2: </option><option>3: </option><option>4: </option><option>5: </option><option>6: </option><option>7: </option><option>8: </option><option>9: </option></select></td></tr></table></center></div>
<center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Combat: Round 1!</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><table><tr><td><img id='monpic' src="/images/adventureimages/hobo.gif" width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center>You're fighting <span class="elementstench" id='monname'>a drunken half-orc hobo</span><font size=2 color=gray><br />HP: 16, Atk: 5, Def: 4, Type: hobo<br />Drops: dirty hobo gloves (32), Mad Train wine (60), moxie weed (15), Boozehounds Anonymous token (10 pp only), hobo gristle (bounty)</font></td><td width=30></td><td><table><tr><td width=30><img src=/images/itemimages/nicesword.gif width=30 height=30 alt="Enemy's Attack Power" title="Enemy's Attack Power"></td><td width=50 valign=center align=left><b><font size=+2>5</font></b></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/hoboflavor.gif alt="This monster is a Hobo" title="This monster is a Hobo"></td></tr><tr><td width=30><img src=/images/itemimages/whiteshield.gif width=30 height=30 alt="Enemy's Defense" title="Enemy's Defense"></td><td width=50 valign=center align=left><b><font size=+2>4</font></b></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/stench.gif width=30 height=30 alt="This monster is Stinky.  Stench is weak against Cold and Sleaze." title="This monster is Stinky.  Stench is weak against Cold and Sleaze."></td></tr><tr><td width=30><img src=/images/itemimages/hp.gif width=30 height=30 alt="Enemy's Hit Points" title="Enemy's Hit Points"></td><td width=50 valign=center align=left><b><font size=+2>16</font></b></td><td><img src=/images/itemimages/watch.gif alt="Initiative +40%" title="Initiative +40%"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br><script type="text/javascript">var monsterstats = {"hp":"16","def":"4","off":"5"};</script></center><blockquote>In the Sleazy Back Alley, you are set upon by a drunken half-orc hobo.  You're as overpowered by his stench as you are confused by his slurred missives.  One thing is for sure, though -- it's beat or be beaten.</blockquote><center><p>You get the jump on him.<p><!--familiarmessage--><center><table><tr><td align=center valign=center><img src="/images/itemimages/cheerleader.gif" width=30 height=30></td><td valign=center>Cassie cheers:<p><i>We boil water,<br>It's not moo-juice<br>Jump all around like<br>you've got a screw loose!</i></td></tr></table></center><center><table><tr><td><img class=hand src="/images/itemimages/fast.gif" onClick='eff("831efd5122695b7f3eb4c7e232d6677c");' width=30 height=30 alt="Frisky Spirit" title="Frisky Spirit"></td><td valign=center class=effect>You acquire an effect: <b>Frisky Spirit</b><br>(duration: 1 Adventure)</td></tr></table></center><!--familiarmessage--><center><table><tr><td align=center valign=center><img src="/images/itemimages/cheerleader.gif" width=30 height=30></td><td valign=center>Cassie does a whole series of handsprings, layouts, and flips, ending in a deep splits. Your opponent looks utterly devastated at being so thoroughly served.</td></tr></table></center><center><table><tr><td><img src=/images/itemimages/nicesword.gif width=30 height=30 alt="Monster Attack" title="Monster Attack"></td><td valign=center>Monster attack power reduced by <b>11</td></tr></table></center><center><table><tr><td><img src=/images/itemimages/whiteshield.gif width=30 height=30 alt="Monster Defense" title="Monster Defense"></td><td valign=center>Monster defense reduced by <b>11</td></tr></table></center><p><center><table><a name="end"><form name=attack action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="attack"><tr><td align=center><input id='tack' picurl=acc7 onclick="return killforms(this)"  class=button type=submit value="Attack with your quirky accordion"></td></tr></form></a><form name=stealaccform action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=skill><input type=hidden name=whichskill value=7172><tr><td align=center><input id='stealaccordionbutton' class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Steal Accordion"></td></tr></form><form name=steal action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="steal"><tr><td align=center><input class=button onclick="return killforms(this);" type=submit value="Pick His Pocket"></td></tr></form><form name=useitem action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="useitem"><tr><td align=left><select name=whichitem><option value=0>(select an item)</option><option picurl=poisoncup value=829>anti-anti-antidote (1)</option><option picurl=chloride value=6379>chlorine crystal (6)</option><option picurl=divpopper value=3121>divine champagne popper (1)</option><option picurl=bigfirecracker value=6656>illegal firecracker (2)</option><option picurl=sodium value=6382>nugget of sodium (7)</option><option picurl=tooth value=2>seal tooth (1)</option><option picurl=surgicaltape value=6653>surgical tape (2)</option></select><br><select name=whichitem2><option value=0>(select an item)</option><option  value=829>anti-anti-antidote (1)</option><option  value=6379>chlorine crystal (6)</option><option  value=3121>divine champagne popper (1)</option><option  value=6656>illegal firecracker (2)</option><option  value=6382>nugget of sodium (7)</option><option  value=2>seal tooth (1)</option><option  value=6653>surgical tape (2)</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Item(s)"></td></tr></form><form name=skill action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="skill"><tr><td align=center><select name=whichskill><option value='none'>(select a skill)</option><option value="2" picurl="fireball" >Chronic Indigestion (5 Mojo Points)</option><option value="15" picurl="commacha" >CLEESH (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="19" picurl="snout" >Transcendent Olfaction (40 Mojo Points)</option><option value="29" picurl="campfire" >Conjure Relaxing Campfire (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="31" picurl="snowflake" >Maximum Chill (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="37" picurl="wink" >Inappropriate Backrub (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="33" picurl="blooddrops" >Mudbath (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="43" picurl="creepysleepy" >Creepy Lullaby (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="55" picurl="volcmeteor" >Volcanometeor Showeruption (0 Mojo Points)</option><option value="56" picurl="coffeecup" >Wassail (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="61" picurl="wink" >Offensive Joke (15 Mojo Points)</option><option value="79" picurl="tattle" >Tattle (7 Mojo Points)</option><option value="84" picurl="corclubcor" >Silent Slam (5 Mojo Points)</option><option value="85" picurl="blooddrops" >Silent Squirt (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="86" picurl="soulknife" >Silent Slice (5 Mojo Points)</option><option value="92" picurl="upsideturtle" >Club Earth (50 Mojo Points)</option><option value="93" picurl="pasta" >Carbohydrate Cudgel (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="94" picurl="splattersmash" >Splattersmash (25 Mojo Points)</option><option value="97" picurl="turtleini" >Turtleini (35 Mojo Points)</option><option value="98" picurl="sauceshell" >Sauceshell (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="99" picurl="whispers" >Conspiratorial Whispers (25 Mojo Points)</option><option value="102" picurl="shadownoodles" >Shadow Noodles (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="104" picurl="splashdance" >Splashdance (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="1022" picurl="clobber" >Clobber (1 Mojo Point)</option><option value="1023" picurl="hookspear" >Harpoon! (30 Mojo Points)</option><option value="1004" picurl="club2" >Lunge Smack (1 Mojo Point)</option><option value="1003" picurl="club" >Thrust-Smack (3 Mojo Points)</option><option value="1033" picurl="clubfoot" >Club Foot (8 Mojo Points)</option><option value="1005" picurl="cudgel" >Lunging Thrust-Smack (8 Mojo Points)</option><option value="1038" picurl="northernexp" >Northern Explosion (16 Mojo Points)</option><option value="2022" picurl="ssnapper" >Spectral Snapper (20 Mojo Points)</option><option value="2023" picurl="toss" >Toss (1 Mojo Point)</option><option value="2024" picurl="leviatuga" >Summon Leviatuga (40 Mojo Points)</option><option value="2003" picurl="headbutt" >Headbutt (3 Mojo Points)</option><option value="2015" picurl="kneebutt" >Kneebutt (4 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3019" picurl="fearfulfet" >Fearful Fettucini (24 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3020" picurl="line" >Spaghetti Spear (1 Mojo Point)</option><option value="3022" picurl="candypile" >Candyblast (6 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3023" picurl="scharm" >Stringozzi Serpent (13 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3003" picurl="ravshurikens" >Ravioli Shurikens (4 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3004" picurl="entnoodles" >Entangling Noodles (3 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3009" picurl="lasbandage" >Lasagna Bandages (6 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3005" picurl="pastacannon" >Cannelloni Cannon (6 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3007" picurl="stuffshell" >Stuffed Mortar Shell (13 Mojo Points)</option><option value="3008" picurl="ironspoon" >Weapon of the Pastalord (24 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4020" picurl="salsaball" >Salsaball (1 Mojo Point)</option><option value="4022" picurl="icingsurge" >Surge of Icing (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4023" picurl="cheesestorm" >Käsesoßesturm (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4003" picurl="saucestream" >Stream of Sauce (3 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4014" picurl="saucysalve" >Saucy Salve (4 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4005" picurl="raincloud" >Saucestorm (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4009" picurl="saucewave" >Wave of Sauce (16 Mojo Points)</option><option value="4012" picurl="saucegeyser" >Saucegeyser (28 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5019" picurl="terrortango" >Tango of Terror (8 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5021" picurl="hernia" >Suckerpunch (1 Mojo Point)</option><option value="5023" picurl="mistletoe" >Stealth Mistletoe (5 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5003" picurl="eyepoke" >Disco Eye-Poke (2 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5005" picurl="dance1" >Disco Dance of Doom (3 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5008" picurl="dance2" >Disco Dance II: Electric Boogaloo (4 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5012" picurl="facestab" >Disco Face Stab (8 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5033" picurl="knifedark" >Knife in the Dark (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5035" picurl="irondagger" >Disco Shank (13 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5036" picurl="dance3" >Disco Dance 3: Back in the Habit (10 Mojo Points)</option><option value="5037" picurl="fire" >Disco Inferno (15 Mojo Points)</option><option value="6025" picurl="breath" >Sing (0 Mojo Points)</option><option value="7172" picurl="acc1" selected>Steal Accordion (0 Mojo Points)</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Skill"></td></tr></form><form name=macro action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="macro"><input type="hidden" name="macrotext" value=""><tr><td align=center><select name=whichmacro><option value='0'>(select a macro)</option><option value="80723" picurl="grimglaive" >Spam Attack</option><option value="81441" picurl="vampirefangs" >Spam Infection</option><option value="18415" picurl="heboulder" >Yellow Ray</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Execute Macro"></td></tr></form><form name=runaway action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="runaway"><tr><td align=center><input class=button onclick="return killforms(this);" type=submit value="Run Away"></td></tr></form></table></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center></body>

Note that "Steal Accordion" is both a button and in the skill drop-down. The response text looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">var monsterstats = {"hp":"16","def":"4","off":"5"};</script>You pluck the accordion from the hobo's filthy pants, leaving him none the wiser (and none the cleaner.)<center><table class="item" style="float: none" rel="id=6810&s=5&q=0&d=1&g=0&t=1&n=1&m=0&p=0&u=q"><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/acc1.gif" alt="beer-battered accordion" title="beer-battered accordion" class=hand onClick='descitem(945061907)'></td><td valign=center class=effect>You acquire an item: <b>beer-battered accordion</b></td></tr></table>
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Here are all the new skills in the guild trainer. All old skills were left intact in this revamp so you only need to see the new ones.

<table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Lefty, the Trainer</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="/images/otherimages/guilds/trainer_t.gif" width=100 height=100></center><center>As an initiate of the The Department of Shadowy Arts and Crafts, you are now eligible to train here.<p><b><u>Available skills:</u></b><br><font size=2>(click an icon or a skill name for a description)</font><table><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 1)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6029&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/brokenflute.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6029&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Dissonant Riff</a></b>   </td><form action=guild.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="buyskill"><input type=hidden name=skillid value=29><td valign=center><input type=submit class=button value="Train (125 Meat)"></td></form></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 2)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6030&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/cadenza.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6030&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Cadenza</a></b>   </td><form action=guild.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="buyskill"><input type=hidden name=skillid value=30><td valign=center><input type=submit class=button value="Train (250 Meat)"></td></form></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 3)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6031&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/crabclaw.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6031&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Crab Claw Technique</a></b>   </td><form action=guild.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="buyskill"><input type=hidden name=skillid value=31><td valign=center><input type=submit class=button value="Train (500 Meat)"></td></form></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 4)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6032&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/acc1.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6032&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Accordion Bash</a></b>   </td><form action=guild.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="buyskill"><input type=hidden name=skillid value=32><td valign=center><input type=submit class=button value="Train (750 Meat)"></td></form></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 5)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6033&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/acc17.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6033&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Accordion Appreciation</a></b>   </td><form action=guild.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="buyskill"><input type=hidden name=skillid value=33><td valign=center><input type=submit class=button value="Train (1,250 Meat)"></td></form></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 6)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6034&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/cdlm.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6034&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Concerto de los Muertos</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (1,750 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 7)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6035&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/dollarsign.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6035&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Five Finger Discount</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (2,500 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 8)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6036&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/susgaze.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6036&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Suspicious Gaze</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (3,250 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 9)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6037&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/bawdyrefrain.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6037&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Bawdy Refrain</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (4,000 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 10)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6038&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/thiefeyes.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6038&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Thief Among the Honorable</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (5,000 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 11)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6039&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/stickygloves.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6039&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Sticky Fingers</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (6,250 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 12)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6040&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/zydecone.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6040&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Cone of Zydeco</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (7,500 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 13)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6041&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/moneybag.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6041&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Master Accordion Master Thief</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (10,000 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 14)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6042&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/coolsmile.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6042&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Knowing Smile</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (12,500 Meat)"></td></tr><tr><td valign=center class=small align=right>Level 15)  </td><td><img onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6043&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' src="/images/itemimages/mariachimem.gif" width=30 height=30 border=0></td><td valign=center><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=6043&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Mariachi Memory</a></b>   </td><td><input type=submit class=button style='color: #cccccc' disabled value="Train (15,000 Meat)"></td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table>


Here are some new accordions you can steal.

Unknown item found: quirky accordion (6858, 695881664)
6858 quirky accordion 695881664 acc7.gif weapon t,d 10
quirky accordion 50 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
quirky accordion Monster Level: +5, Class: "Accordion Thief", Effect Duration: 10

Unknown item found: Cajun accordion (6857, 251825525)
6857 Cajun accordion 251825525 acc6.gif weapon t,d 10
Cajun accordion 50 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
Cajun accordion Maximum HP: +15, Maximum MP: +15, Class: "Accordion Thief", Effect Duration: 10

6856 Bal-musette accordion 831125179 acc3.gif weapon t,d 10
Bal-musette accordion 50 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
Bal-musette accordion PvP Fights: +4, Class: "Accordion Thief", Effect Duration: 10

Unknown item found: beer-battered accordion (6810, 945061907)
6810 beer-battered accordion 945061907 acc1.gif weapon t,d 5
beer-battered accordion 20 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
beer-battered accordion Sleaze Damage: +2, Class: "Accordion Thief", Effect Duration: 6

Unknown item found: baritone accordion (6811, 768971486)
6811 baritone accordion 768971486 acc5.gif weapon t,d 10
baritone accordion 30 Mox: 0 2-handed accordion
baritone accordion HP Regen Min: 2, HP Regen Max: 4, Class: "Accordion Thief", Effect Duration: 7

Unknown item found: accord ion (6815, 467784170)
6815 accord ion 467784170 acc14.gif weapon t,d 20
accord ion 70 Mox: 20 1-handed accordion
accord ion Hot Damage: +10, Class: "Accordion Thief", Effect Duration: 10


Have started working on this. Have added Song Duration as a valid modifier, and parsing it and Effect Duration for new items now works correctly. Have added items so far. Am going to try to get handling of buffing accordion checks etc sorted before releasing.

I notice the 10 skills cost 5000, is that now the case for Disco Bandits and Seal Clubbers also? (Used to be 10k, was 6k after revamp, the only one that wasn't 50%)


r13007 recognises Song Duration and doesn't mix it up with Effect Duration. Accordions above added. Song Duration not yet used for Buff Tool, Buff Tool code could do with refactoring for simplicity, but maybe wait til Turtle Tamers/Saucerors done? In Hardcore/Ronin if you ask it to cast an Accordion Buff, rather than trying to get one with trinket it should try to buy Toy Accordion if you don't have it or better. Out of Hardcore/Ronin it should try to buy Antique Accordion if you don't have it or better. Have tested with non-Accordion Thieves in and out of ronin/hardcore, but not with Accordion Thieves. Cost of level 10 skills for revamped classes now 5000 not 6000.


If, for some reason, you guys don't have the rest of the accordions sorted out for mafia by the time I get home, I'll go rooting around as see if I can get the rest.


If, for some reason, you guys don't have the rest of the accordions sorted out for mafia by the time I get home, I'll go rooting around as see if I can get the rest.

Thanks. Would be handy to know which monsters they can be stolen from so we can add that too.


Active member
Out of Hardcore/Ronin it should try to buy Antique Accordion if you don't have it or better.

Any chance if you have over 20k meat in Hardcore it can pick up the Antique Accordion? I mean, I'm expecting to pick it up myself manually in most cases, but if I mentally blip it, it would be nice to end up with the right one. Since the NPZR generally gets me past 100k meat per (slow) HC run, the 2.5k meat is a relative drop in the bucket and something that would always be wanted...


Any chance if you have over 20k meat in Hardcore it can pick up the Antique Accordion? I mean, I'm expecting to pick it up myself manually in most cases, but if I mentally blip it, it would be nice to end up with the right one. Since the NPZR generally gets me past 100k meat per (slow) HC run, the 2.5k meat is a relative drop in the bucket and something that would always be wanted...

You can raise a feature request if you want to. At present I'm just replicating existing functionality. If it were added, I'd expect it to be an option, I certainly wouldn't want 2.5k of mine spent in hardcore without my approval.


If we have an accordion thief with them, we need the effects for Suspicious Gaze and Knowing Smile.

Other stuff needed:
Cadenza - gives different messages/effects depending on accordion equipped, some might need support.
Crab Claw Technique - might need support, depending what spading finds about what it does
Accordion Appreciation - modifiers should double accordion modifiers when this skill is known.
Five Finger Discount - handle store discount if known.
Sticky Fingers - do we want to include meat gain anyway, once spaded?
Refactor buff tools so it's generated from item database now song duration is available.
Accordion Bash / Entangling Noodles - Add in FightRequest and StationaryButtons as was done for Seal Clubber.
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Staff member
Thanks. Would be handy to know which monsters they can be stolen from so we can add that too.
I sent an AT multi around and stole a bunch. Some observations:

- You can only steal one of each kind, it seems; after you have successfully stolen an accordion from a particular kind of monster, the "Steal Accordion" button is not there.
- We log Steal Accordion as "CHANCE" - i.e., we don't know the skill or whatever it is is. Unfortunately, given the previous point, I'll have to use my OTHER AT multi to figure that out. :)
- It would be nice if a "steal accordion" button automatically appeared if KoL gives you the option


Staff member
Steal Accordion is skill 7172. As a known skill, it automatically appears as a Stationary Button if it is in the skill dropdown - i.e., if you actually can steal an accordion from this monster.

Revision 13019 adds it.

I'll post a list of the accordions I have stolen so far, by and by. They are not "drops" per se; you have to steal them, and you can get at most one of each kind per ascension, considering that once you have a particular type, you are not given the option to steal that kind again.

I suppose we could add "Steal Accordion" to Custom Combat - but only if you haven't succeeded on it with this kind of monster this run. Seems like that would be complicated.


I guess it depends what happens if you add "skill Steal Accordion" to a macro, does it fail or just skip over it and ignore it. If the former then we could just always add it as an Accordion Thief.

Do you think it's worth adding them as a drop type, but with a note, and only showing them as Accordion Thief, somewhat akin to Pickpocket only items?


Staff member
I think making a new drop type for them - "a" or something - would be useful. Although, you'll know that if you are an AT and see a Steal Accordion button.


Staff member
I wonder if 5-Finger Discount from Travoltan Trousers stacks with Five Finger Discount. I have trousers for testing, I'm not currently an AT though.


You acquire an effect: Suspicious Gaze (duration: 10 Adventures)
1394 Suspicious Gaze susgaze.gif 43bfb50d024c59669acc33397b490b04
Suspicious Gaze Initiative: +20
You acquire an effect: Knowing Smile (duration: 10 Adventures)
1395 Knowing Smile coolsmile.gif b713588cf0f1e011d11f6f7f51bc770e
Knowing Smile Experience (Moxie): +1

I picked up each and every accordion available to the multi (no Mariachis available in the Barracks due to the quest being complete), but Mafia isn't prompting me with the "hey new shit" thing in the CLI.

Edit: were all the accordions at Category: Accordion added back in 13009? That could be the reason....
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Correction! Stealing any specific accordion is NOT once per ascension. It is actually once per day, so the preference gets prefixed by an underscore. Yay!