Bug - Fixed "Refresh Session" increments "Advs Used" with total current ascension adventures used

"Refresh Session" increments "Advs Used" with total current ascension adventures used

Daily build 12924

"Refresh Session" increments "Advs Used" with total current ascension adventures used.

Repro steps:

  • Launch KoLmafia
  • Login
  • Navigate to Adventure tab / Overview subtab
  • Note "Advs Used" = 0
  • Select Tools -> Refresh Session from menu
  • Note "Advs Used" = 599
  • Every repeat of refresh session increments advs used by the same amount, which is the total adventures used this ascension.

It's not something that I do very often, so I don't know if this is new or not. I had just added a handful of Bale's & BCC's scripts, then removed them after seeing this; there was no change, the issue remained.

Minor, doesn't appear to impact usage.


Staff member
Interesting. Thank you. Verified.

I have a vague memory of another report where something related to adventures used this ascension was showing up as an unexpected value in the char pane. I wonder if these are related?