Bug - Fixed Incorrect handling of the Hidden Park choiceadv


The values for choiceAdventure789, the Hidden Park choice adventure, seem to be mapped as follows:

0 - show in browser
1 - relocate pygmy janitors then get random items
2 - get random items
3 - skip adventure

And the choices in the actual noncombat are this:

1 - get random items
2 - relocate pygmy janitors then waste a turn
6 - skip adventure

Setting choiceAdventure789 to either 1 or 2, however, continually chooses choice #2, which just wastes a turn.

This is in r12838.
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Why did I do it that way around, I must have been mad. I must assume that almost no-one currently uses it, or you'd not have been the first to report this, so will take the opportunity to put them in a sensible order.

In choice adventure, 1 is now get random items, 2 is now relocate pygmy janitors then get random items.

More importantly, both now work, in r12840.