Action Sequencing - Mall and cooking / drinking help


Maybe I don't understand how the sequence of events is supposed to work, but I can have 100% script failure / hanging if the following events occur.

I call the following script after I login:

call Booze-Food-Spleen.txt
echo "Start the day with a hearty breakfast of Milk of Magnesium and yummy wads!"
use milk of magnesium ; use 15 twinkly wad

echo "Get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some paaaaaah!"
eat 5 peach pie

echo "And lets have some schnapps! YUCK!"
drink 9 peach schnapps
drink 1 blackberry schnapps

I have 2 multis, 1 has finished the Island War and has access to the Hippy Stand, one does not but can buy peaches from the Mall.

If I call that script with the one who has not completed the Island War, it literally hangs forever and I have to kill Mafia to unstick it. If I buy a bunch of peaches ahead of time, it runs just fine, until the peach supply runs out.

Both multi prefs are set to buy from the mall, so I am confused why the logic doesn't try to buy the peaches from the mall and then try cooking / mixing. Neither are in ronin or bad moon, etc...

The multi who has finished the Island War never has any problems with the script.
