Feature - Implemented Move SPECIAL_ENCOUNTERS to a data file


The SPECIAL_ENCOUNTERS in KoLMafia.java should probably be moved into a data file instead of being hard coded, to facilitate adding new adventures easier. Also this seems like a terrible file for this information. There also seems to be a bunch of additional hard coded bad moon data in BadMoonManager.java.

If I or someone else were to do this, it would also be good to add what location these adventures take place in to the data file, add clover adventures (so clover protection could be intelligent), and to add what the results of these adventures are.

If we had location data, we could add a lot of helpful things. Information to the Location Details, show a list of semirares on the counter warning page, etc. I think there are a number of scripts that would also benefit from not needing to maintain their own data files.
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