Feature - Implemented Add Initiative to Area Summary


Active member
In the area summary where it shows you the likeliness to hit and be hit by monsters in the bottom-right, could we also have an "initiative" with a clear minimum lieklihood of getting the jump? It's much more important in the made-of-glass Jarlsberg world.

(Sorry, at work - forgive the poor explanation).


Most "old" monsters have them, and most revamped monsters do not. It's not that hard to spade, either, and I assume Jarlsberg will inspire more spading.

I'd say there's enough values in place to consider implementing this. (In the meantime, you guys are welcome to PM the character "Jicken Wings" with the phrases "jw zone <zone>" or "jw monster <monstername>" to get maximum zone init or specific monster init, respectively.)


All monsters have known init values now, thanks to the Manuel upgrade on April 26. I would appreciate if a dev would consider the feature request since it is now practical.
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