Feature - Implemented automatically wear +adv gear on logout, remove on login


New member
I frequently forget to put on my +adv gear (e.g. dead guy's watch, chrome weapon) after I'm done playing, and occasionally forget to switch back when I log back in. A feature to manage this would be helpful.

One possible implementation would be to select a named custom outfit to put on as part of logout (I always save it as "sleep"), but slicker would be an automatic thing that picked your best +adv configuration.

Then it should switch back on the next login.


Staff member
Go to Preferences. Look at the "Login and Logout" pane. See the "On Login" and "On Logout" text fields?

Those specify scripts to be executed - surprise - on login and and logout. A "script" can be a file containing CLI commands or ASH code, or it can simply be CLI commands - like "outfit sleep" for On Logout and "outfit adventuring" for On Login. You want to "automatically pick best +adv configuration"? Try "maximize adventures".

Everything you need already exists.
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If you want to be even more sure that you have optimal rollover gear (including foldables) and that it will restore your outfit on login, then you'll need an actual logout/login script. Here's a logout script for you to use. Save this with a .ash extension and set it as your logout script.

boolean fold(item doodad) {
	if(available_amount(doodad) > 0) return true;
	foreach other in get_related(doodad, "fold")
		if(available_amount(other) > 0)
			return cli_execute("fold "+doodad);
	return false;
cli_execute("outfit save Rollover");
fold($item[stinky cheese diaper]);
if(my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist")
	fold($item[Loathing Legion moondial]);
maximize("adv, -tie, -equip sugar shield, switch disembodied hand", false);

Then to switch your previous outfit on login, use this as your login script:

cli_execute("outfit Rollover");

(Or instead of setting a script you can just put outfit Rollover in the space for Login Script as Veracity suggests.)
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