BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking


Well-known member
r36 Update

More goodies for Factroid!:

  • First, fix the code that never worked in the first place for reloading the monster info box after requesting a fax. This means that the link to request a fax will turn directly into a link to fight your faxed copy of the monster. Faxputtying for factoids has never been easier!
  • Second, finish the revamp from the last update by removing all the "unavailable locations". Thanks to the Deck, there are no such locations for the purposes of factoids.
Sera also gets a little love -- an easter egg, to be precise!



Well-known member
r37 Update

Today I have implemented a feature which I've been wanting to implement ever since I reformatted the way BatBrain tracks happenings. Now, in the macros menu (until now just a slightly more convenient way to access your saved macros), you can submit your previous fight vs. this monster as a single macro.

How awesome is that? It's like BatBrain's happenings tracking has now become a giant repository of combat macros custom-chosen by you! Or your preferred BatBrain-powered combat script!

The first time you encounter a given monster with a given skillset/level, you can either carefully choose your actions manually from the Actions Table, or automate the fight using WHAM, or blast through using the ~ key. Any degree of automation vs. manual control that you prefer. From then on, whenever you encounter that monster, you can submit the exact same fight via the macros menu. And to make it handier, the macros menu icon itself is now clicky to do just that -- which means it also responds to the keyboard shortcuts. I was blasting through zones in the relay browser faster than ever using only two keys -- and each fight was a series of actions I had carefully selected to keep me alive since I was fighting over my level and BatBrain-powered scripts have no idea how to handle ongoing damage, which I was relying on to win.

Did I need to save any macros? No. Did I need to deal with any code? No. Did I need to track down the specific macro I want in a menu? No. I simply had to fight the monster once, and from that point forward I had the perfect macro for that specific monster, always available with a single click or keystroke the moment that monster was encountered.


One of BatMan RE's biggest drawbacks is the time it takes to load everything for players with a huge number of options. I feel like this feature is a huge step towards turning that time loss into a net gain.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about this feature, everyone. There are a few caveats, though:
  • Though all actions in the submitted macro are batround()-empowered, there's no sanity checking. If your Actually Ed character's previous fight vs. Lord Spookyraven was as an Avatar of Jarlsberg and you Grilled him to death, that's the macro that will be there (which will obviously fail).
  • Also, for fights that rely on abilities that have random damage, your macro will sometimes be insufficient to kill the monster. Because perhaps on a given fight you had a crit or two and and killed the monster with two attacks instead of four, and the new "previous fight" macro will now only have those two attacks. It's not a big deal, since after the macro fails, you attack again once or twice and thus "reset" the macro, but it is a notable difference between using a static macro and using this macro which slightly "evolves".

A few other updates, which are also awesome but slightly overshadowed:

Sometimes it can take a bit for anything to happen after you submit an action. If you're using the keyboard instead of the mouse, nothing changes to let you know your action was in fact submitted, so naturally you press the key again, resulting in a double-submit, which frustratingly dumps you on the "You're not in a fight" page, which of course is not shortcut-enabled and then you have to mutter to yourself and reach for your mouse. So now, at least for the ~ key, we give the same visual feedback as we do when submitting via the mouse. I personally find it quite helpful.

Adventure Again box:
  • Florist Friar helper: shows what's currently planted in your zone and links to the hut. Seeing that information there right after you adventure somewhere for the first time is a very helpful way not to forget AGAIN to plant something there.
  • X-est Adventurer Contest zones: Shows how many contestants remain.
  • KoLHS: School's out in X turns!



Took me a while to find Factroid, but this is a pretty solid script, thank you kindly. Few bugs and feature requests.


* "Factroid! Collect All 1,691". Current count as of this post (1/20/16) is 1,677. That'll probably change in the next few days due to the new content IotY, but that's for the future.

* Grim Grimacite Site is unavailable, and the monsters have not shown up in the deck, nor are they in the faxnet. The wiki link for them also doesn't work.

* Snakefire in the Grassfire and Blazing Bat are unavailable with no factoids. Rock snake is unavailable, and the factoids are only known due to the Kolumbus auction a few years back.

* Rene C. Corman (monid 1009) is listed as being in the Cannon Museum, but the factoids belong to the Rene C. Corman from the ZS path (monid 1229). This might be how Mafia lists it though, but I'm unsure.

* Unknown location: The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman (zone: The Snojo)
Please report this missing location here:
Snowmen have no factoids, at least for now, and were made nocopy recently.

* I ran factroid on a multi, and though she was able to adventure easily in The "Fun" House, it still listed the zone as "This location is currently unavailable" with an x.


* If it's possible to append the manuel link with the monster id, it would jump straight to the monster in your manuel page. for example:


that links straight to the Knob Goblin Elite Zombie

* If it's possible, do a check to see if manuel is available (questlog.php?which=6 doesn't show up if it's not), that way the entirety of factroid can be prevented from loading on non-manuel characters. Or, give a choice to load it anyway, if a non-manuel character wants to see what they're up against.


Thanks again!


Well-known member
Thanks for the excellent feedback Erich. I just posted the r40 Update, which addresses most of the issues you mentioned. Let me respond to each.

"Factroid! Collect All 1,691". Current count as of this post (1/20/16) is 1,677.

I have fixed this issue by subtracting blocked monsters from the total count of all_monsters_with_id(), and, more importantly, adding a tilde in front of the number. :)

Grim Grimacite Site is unavailable
Snakefire in the Grassfire and Blazing Bat are unavailable
Rock snake is unavailable

All of those monsters were added to the blocked list.

Rene C. Corman (monid 1009) is listed as being in the Cannon Museum, but the factoids belong to the Rene C. Corman from the ZS path (monid 1229).

Actually, Rene C. Corman (monid 1229) is listed as being in the Cannon Museum. Mafia -- and thus Factroid! -- has no knowledge of the 1009 Mr. Corman.

Unknown location: The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman (zone: The Snojo)
though she was able to adventure easily in The "Fun" House, it still listed the zone as "This location is currently unavailable" with an x.

Both of these messages come from CanAdv, which means either you need to update CanAdv or it isn't correctly handling those zones.

If it's possible to append the manuel link with the monster id, it would jump straight to the monster in your manuel page.

A splendid idea. This will only matter if you have 1 or 2 factoids already, so I've enhanced the link only in those cases.

check to see if manuel is available, that way the entirety of factroid can be prevented from loading on non-manuel characters.

I hadn't expected anyone without Manuel to run the script, but I suppose a safeguard to save 20-some server hits would be a welcome addition. We now check whether you have Manuel first thing (using a delicious static variable which will only be reloaded if my_name() changes), and if you don't have Manuel we won't bother scraping for monsters, we'll simply show you EVERYTHING. Which is silly but fun.

I had another splendid update in the works which got added along with this update: the "Deck of Every Card Cheater Helper" was too interesting to only show to potential cheaters, so I've renamed it to "Phyla Helper". It now will always show up. If you can cheat, the phyla images will still cheat that phylum, but even if you can't, mousing over the phylum image will hide all monsters below not of that phyla. Pretty fun to play with.



Ah! Wonderful, thank you kindly :) I'll play around with it soon.

Actually, Rene C. Corman (monid 1229) is listed as being in the Cannon Museum. Mafia -- and thus Factroid! -- has no knowledge of the 1009 Mr. Corman.

Ok, so that's a Mafia thing then. In manuel, the ZS Corman is 1229, but I guess due to the duplicate names it may've gotten overlooked. I'll put in a report in the bug section tomorrow when I can brain properly :)


Staff member
I hate to be an ungrateful naysayer but...

I installed BatMan-Re because I was interested in Factroid and then found to the semi-rare manager which seems useful to me. But then I ran a combat in the relay browser and all sorts of stuff I had no interest in/use for appeared in my browser. To add insult to injury it actually obscured information I was interested in and I had to wait a few seconds for a usable scroll bar to appear. Since I normally run WHAM and there is a "script" button already on the top of my screen I find the wealth of information distracting and of no immediate use. Is there a way to keep the BatMan-Re SVN update automatic but not have BatMan-Re override/annotate combat in my relay browser?

Thank you.

(P.S. - There are several ways I know I could hack this but I am hoping for a configuration option I have not found or the possible unbundling of features).


I hate to be an ungrateful naysayer but...

I installed BatMan-Re because I was interested in Factroid and then found to the semi-rare manager which seems useful to me. But then I ran a combat in the relay browser and all sorts of stuff I had no interest in/use for appeared in my browser. To add insult to injury it actually obscured information I was interested in and I had to wait a few seconds for a usable scroll bar to appear. Since I normally run WHAM and there is a "script" button already on the top of my screen I find the wealth of information distracting and of no immediate use. Is there a way to keep the BatMan-Re SVN update automatic but not have BatMan-Re override/annotate combat in my relay browser?

Thank you.

(P.S. - There are several ways I know I could hack this but I am hoping for a configuration option I have not found or the possible unbundling of features).

Theres a button on the upper left side of the combat screen that disables batmanre on a per-user basis while not uninstalling the script, allowing you to still use factroid and sera.


so, I just recently discovered SERA, and it's great!

However, when I'm in a run (and not through the hobopolis tunnels yet) it continually tries to let me know about the Hobo SRs, even though "show unavailable" isn't checked. Maybe mafia lacks a way to track this? But SERA is pretty much deceiving me (and more annoyingly, cluttering up my semi-rare list) by telling me these are available when I'm not through the sewer yet.

Sadly, my coding foo is pretty basic, so it's not enough for me to figure out how to hack SERA.
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Well-known member
If SeRa is reporting that a location is available, that would be the fault of CanAdv. Or the fault of you for not having CanAdv installed. :)


I do have CanAdv installed.
So I guess this would be a bug report for those folks?

Because SeRa is consistently presenting the Hobopolis areas even though I have not gone through the maze of sewer tunnels.


CanAdv was just updated to report better on the Hobopolis zones. But it looks like SeRa is still reporting those zones as available.

I guess the ball might be back in your court?

Sorry to be a squeaky wheel.


Well-known member
I applied Theraze's fixes to my local CanAdv and Sera began correctly hiding the Hobopolis zones.

What do you get when you type ash import <canadv.ash> can_adv($location[burnbarrel blvd.]) in your CLI?


I get 'false'

It looks like I wasn't patient enough. I had to wait 30 seconds for the hobopolis zones to disappear from SeRa. But they did.

So, my bad. Looks like, with enough time, it does work.


Well-known member
Yes, Sera shows all semirares at the beginning. Then, if you have CanAdv installed (it's not required), it will take advantage of that script to begin filtering out unavailable zones. It also only filters the options visible on your screen (to save server hits for zones that use them), so for options that weren't visible right away, their filtering is only triggered when you scroll down. (It's actually a bit of code I'm rather proud of.) There will also be a bit of delay between becoming visible and being removed for zones that require waiting on server hits, which the Hobopolis zones require several of, each (though I've submitted some code in the CanAdv thread that ought to reduce that).

Glad it's working for you now. Enjoy Sera! And thanks for the report; feel free to submit more if you have ideas.


Well-known member
Today's r43 Update adds a handy Witchess Helper to the bottom of fights vs. Witchess pieces. Where you would normally expect to find an "Adventure Again" link, you get a simple table of all the Witchess monsters and their drops. Clicking the monster will skip you straight to the beginning of combat vs. that monster, just like an Adventure Again link would. For great clickskippage.

Also, the Adventure Again box just keeps getting cooler and cooler, little tiny feature by little tiny feature.

  • Twin Peak: expand jar of oil help to either create one (if you have enough oil) or adventure at the Oil Peak (if you don't).
  • Smut Camp: Now when you complete your bridge using the handy supplied link, you get a direct link to talk to the Highland Lord. Yay clickskippage!
  • Provide sugar equipment breakage warnings (untested). Idea shamelessly stolen from the "handy macros" thread I believe.
  • Outside the Club: Display your Rave skills still needed, and from which monster. Also, provide quick links to equip any Raveosity-granting equipment.
  • Fun House: Add a handy link to create your LEW after defeating Beelzebozo. Handy if you're like me and forget the name of the item half the time.

The last two actually went in with r42, but I hadn't mentioned them here yet.



So I discovered strange errors after combat in my gCLI. Here's what they say:

the degrassi knoll bakery
the degrassi knoll garage
the degrassi     knoll gym
the degrassi knoll restroom
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple     matches against Degrassi Knoll.
[/COLOR]the degrassi knoll bakery
the     degrassi knoll garage
the degrassi knoll gym
the degrassi knoll     restroom
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple matches against Degrassi Knoll.
[/COLOR]the     degrassi knoll bakery
the degrassi knoll garage
the degrassi knoll     gym
the degrassi knoll restroom
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple matches     against Degrassi Knoll.[/COLOR]
the degrassi knoll bakery
the     degrassi knoll garage
the degrassi knoll gym
the degrassi knoll     restroom
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple matches against Degrassi Knoll.[/COLOR]
the     degrassi knoll bakery
the degrassi knoll garage
the degrassi knoll     gym
the degrassi knoll restroom
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple matches     against Degrassi Knoll.[/COLOR]
the icy peak
the icy peak in the     recent past
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple matches against Icy Peak.[/COLOR]
the     icy peak
the icy peak in the recent past
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple     matches against Icy Peak.[/COLOR]
the icy peak
the icy peak in the     recent past
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Multiple matches against Icy Peak.[/COLOR]

These appear when Batman_RE is enabled, and disappear when Batman_RE is disabled.

What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?

ETA: The "Witchess helper" isn't activating on any Witchess fight. but witchess fights don't end with 'adventure again.' They end with "Back to Your Witchess Set."
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