BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking


This script just spins and spins and spins and never loads for me. :\ How do I uninstall it? I tried removing the batbrain and batman-re folders from the svn folder, but it's still going.


How do I uninstall it? I tried removing the batbrain and batman-re folders from the svn folder, but it's still going.

That is not going to uninstall any script. If you hadn't done that, the correct way to uninstall it would have been to select it in the script manager, right click and choose "uninstall"

I'd recommend that you reinstall it so that you can uninstall it properly. Alternately you can manually track down every file installed by the script. They are:
  • /data/semirares.txt
  • /relay/BatMan_RE.ash
  • /relay/adventure.ash
  • /relay/batman.css
  • /relay/batman.js
  • /relay/factroid.js
  • /relay/fight.ash
  • /relay/jquery.dataTables.min.js
  • /relay/relay_Factroid.ash
  • /relay/relay_Sera.ash

That's why I recommend reinstalling it, just so that you can uninstall it.


Active member
This script just spins and spins and spins and never loads for me. :\ How do I uninstall it? I tried removing the batbrain and batman-re folders from the svn folder, but it's still going.
I've had that problem also, but the cause for it was an error, from either mafia or BatBrain that needed updating. Hopefully, a reinstall will let it work and you can find what error holds it up.


Well-known member
BatMan RE r29 Update

"Solvin' Problems"

Problem: The turncount varies on final page load depending on how fast the fetched content loads, making the new happenings tracking fail.
Solution: Plant a "turncount" var in the page when loading and submit that along with the AJAX data, so BatMan RE can adjust its turncount if the flag differs from the ASH function's result.

Problem: The fortune cookie countdown is weird. Sometimes it matches the charpane, sometimes it doesn't, making it entirely unreliable. How is that even helpful?
Solution: Thanks to the previous solution, the counter is now correct.

Problem: Nightstands are annoying because I can't keep clicking through them. I have to go from spamming a key to clicking a link at the bottom of the fight to open the nightstand, to selecting a choice, back to spamming a key.
Solution: Specifically for nightstands, add a Quick Menu item to open them after the fight. You can now continue mouse-free.

Problem: Crimbomega has factoids.
Solution: No, he doesn't.

Problem: The Adventure Again box does not do any of the following:
  • Allow specifying the location in post data.
  • On the Road to the White Citadel, display the number of burnouts defeated, and provide a link to create an opium grenade when helpful.
  • In the Haunted Kitchen, display the total number of drawers opened so far.
  • In the Hidden Bowling Alley, give a link to buy a bowl of scorpions when helpful.
  • Make the factoid bullets under each monster link to Factroid!
Solution: Make it do all that.

Problem: 134 -92
Solution: Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Problem: A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.
Solution: A liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent).

Problem: Nothing else was updated in this update but I want to keep typing stuff here.
Solution: Go do something else.



Well-known member
This started in the BatBrain thread:

With r15734 and the just updated version of BatBrain Factroid isn't recognizing that I have all three Monster Manuel factroids for Cbzzter.

What additional information would be helpful in diagnosing the problem?


Well-known member
Sorry it took me a while to get to this, but I just got my first factoid for the pesky bear and was able to figure out what was causing it. The matcher was assuming names would not include HTML tags and was using tags as boundaries. I have updated the matcher to work with weird names, and C<i>bzzt</>er's factoid now displays correctly for me. r30


The matcher was assuming names would not include HTML tags and was using tags as boundaries. I have updated the matcher to work with weird names, and C<i>bzzt</>er's factoid now displays correctly for me.

Eeek! I hope your tongs didn't slip!

Mrs Trout

New member
I turned this script off and can't find where to turn it back on again! Haven't played in a while and just installed a bunch of scripts, a bit overwhelmed. But it was pretty handy and I'd like it back :)


Active member
If you turned it off using the button (link?) the script itself provides, then there should be a button to enable batman in your combat interface, below the "attack", "use items", "cast skill", "run away" parts.
If you disabled it by deleting/renaming some files (you probably didn't), you would have to revert that.


Well-known member
Millions of question marks have appeared in Factroid!, as all of the possible names for Your Shadow have been set loose into $monsters[]. We'll have to remove those. Just posting to let you know I'm on it!


Well-known member
r31 Update

This update has a number of small improvements that add up to an overall more pleasant experience.

First, I noticed that for some reason my combat skills were appearing in the combat macros menu. Turns out mafia's Disco Combos helper was confusing BatMan's matcher, so I tightened that up to get those out of there.

Secondly, finding the bug in BatBrain's stun action selection logic has enabled me to apply the same fix here -- valid stunning actions should appear more frequently now (as opposed to "never" which seemed to be the case previously).

Lastly, our Adventure Again box receives yet more enhancements!
  • The link to Adventure Again was broken for adventures containing ampersands. Fixed!
  • Castle in the clouds: We now provide helpful links to equip the amulet or the wig where helpful.
  • Electric Lemonade Acid Parade: We add a quick link to increase In Your Cups (AJAXified for much faster performance), which otherwise is fairly awkward to do.
  • Smut Orc Logging Camp: Include a be_good() check for the mining helpers. It's not helpful to suggest something you can't do.

And finally, the script that prompted the update, my well-loved Factroid:
  • Though the Frattlesnake does have factoids, pretend that it doesn't. I'm tired of it taunting me.
  • Fix for now properly disambiguated Trippy Floating Heads.



And finally, the script that prompted the update, my well-loved Factroid:
  • Though the Frattlesnake does have factoids, pretend that it doesn't. I'm tired of it taunting me.

I've got some good bad news. On the radio show Jick was discussing the revamp for the Island War Quest and said that when it's released the Frattlesnake is coming back. You can either revert that change now, or else wait until it is time to finally collect the factoids again before you revert that change.


Well-known member
@Bale: I was aware of that. I'm just tired of seeing him there. His presence (and my helplessness to remove him) is almost as aggravating as that stupid dog in Duck Hunt. I'll un-remove him when his factoids are gatherable again.


New member
I'm getting

Bad monster value: "Clingy Pirate" (relay_Factroid.ash, line 161)

when I try to run Factroid. It was running fine yesterday. Currently using r16167.


Well-known member
It's a side-effect of a change that went in with r16163. The Clingy Pirate monster IDs and gender where updated in KoLmafia. The changes necessary for relay_Factroid.ash are too varied to list here but if you go through the file and search for "Clingy Pirate" it's relatively simple to figure out where you have to add (male) or (female) to the script.
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Well-known member
Hi zarqon! I'm sorry to report that the game seems to have begun again: Factroid, and presumably BatmanRE now complain about the disambiguation of mimics that was added in r16168.

And the Mob Penquin Goon has the same problem as of r16177.
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Well-known member
r34 Update

This update brings you a pretty massive refactoring of Factroid!, the factoid helper. Now that monsters have IDs, trying to identify monsters based on name/image seems rather silly when we can simply scrape the ID from the Manuel page. Doing this, and refactoring the data file to use ID rather than monster name allows us to delete massive swathes of code dealing with fixing, disambiguating, or adding monster names.

This also makes the factoid information much more reliable overall, and as mafia keeps adding old zones and monsters which get revealed by the Deck of Every Card, those will pop up in the script without changes needing to be made.

Speaking of the Deck of Every Card, Factroid! now features a Cheater Helper! If you currently have cheats available, the first box in the list will be a cheater helper, showing all the monster phyla, how many monsters you've completed of the total number in that phylum, and a percentage representing how complete that particular phylum is. It looks like this:

( image of phylum )
24 / 36

Clicking the image will cheat that phylum. The phyla are also handily sorted by incompleteness, so the phylum most likely to result in a new factoid is always listed first.

That's pretty freaking sweet, but also sweet is that when you click a monster for details, there's a handy deck link to cheat that specific monster's phylum. I recommend crossing your fingers while doing so.

Unrelated to Factroid, BatMan RE's quick menu now also features a generic "Continue" menu item for fights that don't end normally (such as nightstands, Ed the Undying, the Sorceress, etc). There is still specific code for nightstands and clingy monsters, but I've added some generic code to try and catch the other cases. Hopefully this should let you continue to blast through zones and fights without needing to use your mouse at all.



Active member
Request: value unleash the greash and thousand-yard stare at the mp cost necessary to replenish the effect (often hundreds or thousands of mp in my case), not the mp cost necessary to waste the effect (zero mp). Batbrain-based scripts tend to trigger those two (which should be left in reserve for really critical cases) very happily, instead of something way more efficient.