is there some sort of is_pulverizable() functionality?


Active member
> ash to_boolean(count(get_related(to_item( "giant needle" ), "pulverize" )));

Returned: true
or, if you want it as an alias, try something like...

alias can_smash => ash to_boolean(count(get_related(to_item( "%%" ), "pulverize" )));

Smashlib was great, before mafia added internal support for knowing smashables...


Active member
Smashlib uses Mafi's internal system now and will also report what it smashes into in a nice way :)
BUt for just knowing if something is smashable I guess that way is better.


Active member
I thought I'd read that it had been updated to be using the official lib. But yeah, for just checking availability, not importing a script is easier. For a full and pretty readout, by all means, Smashlib. :)