retrieve_item(1, $item[milk of magnesium])
retrieve_item(15, $item[twinkly wad]);
use(15, $item[twinkly wad]);
retrieve_item(19, $item[blackberry schnapps]);
drink(19, $item[blackberry schnapps]);
use(1, $item[milk of magnesium]);
cli_execute("cheapest hi mein; acquire 3 it; eat 3 it;");
equip($slot[familiar], familiar_equipment(my_familiar()));
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
batch_open(); // This tells mafia that there will be a lot of autoselling, malling or other batch activity, so it should save them up.
int saleprice = 0;
foreach it in $items[heavy D, Original G, disturbing fanfic, furry fur, wolf mask, awful poetry journal, thin black candle,
chaos butterfly, plot hole, probability potion, procrastination potion, angry farmer candy, giant needle, Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub,
rave whistle] {
autosell(item_amount(it), it);
saleprice = item_amount(it) * autosell_price(it) + saleprice;
batch_close(); // Now it executes all recorded batch ativitites in groups of 11 at a time.
print("autosold trash for "+ saleprice +" meat.", "blue");
retrieve_item(1, $item[roll in the hay]);
drink(1, $item[roll in the hay]);
use(item_amount($item[Warm Subject gift certificate]), $item[Warm Subject gift certificate]);