To hazard a guess, abort() is probably used because scripters tend to learn a lot by checking out other scripts.
As an example; zarqon has written a lot of popular scripts, so the habit has probably brushed off on people who have learned through zarqon's work.
I'll try to explain the differences between exit and abort() behind the scenes.
abort() will "declare world peace", what this does is set the ABORT_STATE for KoLmafia's continuationState. The continuationState is used by KoLmafia internally, it basically lets KoLmafia know whether or not it should continue to do things (scripts included).
exit will set the InterpreterState to STATE_EXIT for the ASH Interpreter component of KoLmafia ONLY. Unlike abort(), exit does not directly affect the state of KoLmafia's main window.
In my opinion; script writers should only be able to influence the state of the interpreter, not KoLmafia itself. The continuationState should be handled internally by the interpreter and abort() shouldn't even be a part of ASH, but I'm sure a lot of people out there will disagree with me on that one!