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  1. G

    getting MP cost to libram summon

    Although I have seen a few glitches, most of the time, Mafia seems to know the correct amount of MP it will cost to cast summon party favor (or another libram skill). Is there a way to get this value in .ash scripts?
  2. G

    A couple of ASH questions

    Thanks for the help. I guess another thing that should be obvious is that wiriting scripts becomes much more collaborative when you are recovering from surgery and are taking vicodin. :-\
  3. G

    A couple of ASH questions

    Commands to change the wormwood choice adventures are not working for me. I have tried cli_execute("set choiceadventure169=1") as well as the ash command set_property("choiceAdventure169","1"). Neither changes the choiceadventure and the choice remains that which has been selected in the mafia...
  4. G

    A couple of ASH questions

    I am having trouble with worm wood counters aborting my .ash script. I am using a boolean variable to capture the return of an adventure call, but the counter still aborts the script. This is true for builds 6097, 6100, 6200 EDIT: sorry, that's 6102, not 6200 Here is the script: boolean...