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  1. M

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    Hey Zen00. Thanks for your hard work on revising the script. I was wondering if you were still going to post your updates for others to make, or if you were going to re-upload your version
  2. M

    Best PVP Gear - optimizes/balances for 8 mini-games

    A friend of mine sent me to this script saying it parses wins/losses per day/season. I think I might have overlooked where these results are or they were removed. I was wondering if anyone has a version with that in it. if not I guess I will take on ASH. Or is there a different script he was...
  3. M

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    I have deicded to try and use this script after having it forever. I am receiving an error using Kolmafia v16.8 r 154000. also after the error I ran svn update to make sure everything was up to date. Just updated mafia tonight as well. > call scripts/EoD SC Ascension/EoDSCDay1.ash Function...
  4. M

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    > version KoLmafia v16.7 r15085 Requests complete. > svn update Updating all SVN projects... zekaonar-0-PVPBestGear is at HEAD (r7) therazekolmafia-canadv is at HEAD (r46) bale-new-life is at HEAD (r30) eodscascension-0 is at HEAD (r52) therazekolmafia-thesea is at HEAD (r39) mafiachit is at...
  5. M

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I am receiving the follosing error. I assume it is being called from WHAM, but I know nothing. Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()': Can't understand songduration-10)/3 Expected ), found (zlib.ash, line 186) You're on your own, partner. Click here to continue in the relay browser.