Search results

  1. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate Not really sure if anyone is interested, but I started setting up a syntax highlighting for Kate (a KDE editor). It isn't perfect, but at least most of the variables are highlighted enough for me to enjoy editing. I also think it makes ASH editing...
  2. cakyrespa

    Map of current effects and/or inventory?

    My search-fu appears to be down, but I was trying to figure out how to get a list of all the effects currently on a character. Likewise, a list of things they have in their bag (but not closet). I'm also not sure if I can use the $effect table, since I would expect that to be treated as an...
  3. cakyrespa

    Algebra in ASH?

    While messing with some ideas, I encountered something I couldn't figure out how to do from an ASH script. In general, I would like to be able to take an arbitrary string, such as "2 * 10" and have it calculate the results. That is a simplification. In general, I'd like to be able to take...