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  1. T

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    So before we switched over to SVN, I had the bcs_fam files edited so that it would use my Unconscious Collective for the meat, and a Frozen Gravy Fairy (or Mini-Adventurer) for items. Now that it's switched over to SVN, bumcheekascend checks the servers for the familiar list and ignores the...
  2. T

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Great thanks! I will try it as soon as the game comes back online...
  3. T

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    So I was trying to set up this script, I unziped the folder in the scripts directory, moved the txt files, and tried running it. Unfortunately I got an error right away: "Cannot apply operator && to get_property() (string) and retrieve_item() (boolean) (Wossname.ash, line 317)" I tried...