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  1. Dameoshi

    Character Info Toolbox

    The fault was mine. By first doing an 'ant clean' before 'ant jar', the KoLmafia build has no issue with ChIT.
  2. Dameoshi

    Character Info Toolbox

    Something in r13213 appears to have made mafiachit unhappy. Prior to that revision the relay browser loads fine. Both 13213 and 13214 hang on loading charpane (using Chrome, either blank frame with busy/loading indicator in browser tab or sad face screen on reload). I didn't figure out a way to...
  3. Dameoshi

    Bug - Fixed kolmafia is freezing

    r12684 is working like a charm. Thank you!
  4. Dameoshi

    Bug - Fixed kolmafia is freezing

    I'm having the same experience. Tried r12678, r12677, and r12676 before looking here. My steps were simply: 1. Open mafia 2. Go to Gear Changer tab to verify current gear state 3. Open maximizer window 4. Enter parameters (in my case: ML, mainstat, spell dmg 25 min, initiative 5 max 0 min) and...
  5. Dameoshi

    Character Info Toolbox

    The first instance at line 945-ish can just be commented, for the other reference I deleted the entire 'case:' section for the Hidden City, and that seems to work. My charpane.ash at line 4081 now looks like: switch( { case "The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert": I believe the segment...
  6. Dameoshi

    OCD Inventory control

    I was having this trouble as well. After poking around, I discovered that the created data was being stored in OCDstock.txt, while my character's stock file is OCDstock_dameoshi.txt. Copying OCDstock.txt to OCDstock_dameoshi.txt gave the expected results. Most likely this is a problem that...