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  1. L

    Feature Allow mafia chat client's tabs to wrap

    NOTE: I use the app's chat, not mchat.php Currently, I listen to many channels, and I have to scroll to see if any activity is occurring in any of them. Right now it looks like this: As you can see, 'challenge' is cut off. This is also an issue if I get PMs...
  2. L

    Bug - Fixed r17295 "You are currently in a choice" stopping anything automated from running

    r17295 "You are currently in a choice" stopping anything automated from running I am not actually in a choice. It's after adventuring, I've overdrunk, I can interact with the kingdom normally, but not through any mafia automation. Things that seem to get broken: the maximizer, or any 'equip'...
  3. L

    Chat in its own window?

    Desire: a relay_ script that pops up mchat.php in its own separate pop-up window. Reason: The place where chat is "supposed" to live is a place I prefer Guide to live. so I'd like chat in a separate window, and the ability to launch it (so, a relay_ script giving me an option in that...
  4. L

    Bug - Not A Bug "Unhandled redirect"?

    Using r17280 When logging in: Unhandled redirect to /game.php After every combat: Unhandled redirect to fight.php?ireallymeanit=1476418746 The number increments every adventure. Seemingly by the amount of combat rounds spent. After at least two non-combats: Unhandled redirect to...
  5. L

    Bug - Fixed Typo: "Are you sure you want to eat without Drunk and Avuncular?"

    Just a plain typo. Just replace 'eat' with 'drink' Feels silly creating a whole thread for this.
  6. L

    Feature - Implemented Please inform which script in "svn update" gives error.

    I run svn update. It goes through my entire list of installed scripts. At certain points, this occurs: svn: E175002: connection refused by the server But nowhere does Mafia bother to tell me which script it was trying to update when this error kicks off. Request: Please have Mafia give...
  7. L

    Bug - Fixed Copperhead Quest Preferences Not Updating from "Completed Quests"

    So, I'm told in chat that Mafia is supposed to update quest status based on what's in the quest log. Specifically, completed quests. but I have the exact completed quest text for the two halves of the Copperhead quest in my completed log: Of Mice and Shen You retrieved half of the Talisman...
  8. L

    Garden Optimization Script

    With Jick's declaration that gardens are unlikely to happen after next year, I'm preparing to face the reality that any garden I have planted will grow in the background and I'll have to harvest it after I break the prism. I'm looking at trying an ash script that will tell me which garden is...
  9. L

    Bug - Fixed "-1 free rests remaining"

    I've noticed this happening for a few months and I've finally managed to reproduce it: (1) Log in after rollover. DON'T REST. adventure maybe sometimes. (2) Log out. (3) Log in. Look at daily deeds (or the timesRested preference, it will be negative 1). Maybe I have some script that's...
  10. L

    Bug - Waiting for Info Staff of Ed strips me naked?

    For some reason, in the past few ascensions I've done, every time I click on the pyramid, Mafia automatically strips me naked. ETA: IT's not every time I click on the pyramid. Though it did happen this time. There's another instance of it happening in the past, see my post below. Here's what...
  11. L

    Debugging an abandoned script (CS/Planner)

    In the abandoned relay script CS/Planner ( it's having trouble detecting Tome skills or Grimoire skills if they've already been cast. Here's the code that checks for skills: void getskills(){ print("Collecting skill information")...
  12. L

    What am I doing wrong? (Goal: purchase one raffle ticket if I log in as my main)

    Goal: purchase one raffle ticket if I log in as my main ("Lxndr") Code: if (my_name() == "Lxndr") { cli_execute("raffle 1"); } Result: Nothing. No error messages, no nothing.
  13. L

    New Content - Implemented Snake Oiler - Relay Browser custom buttons - 'Steal' appears and is grayed out

    As a Snake Oiler, a moxie class, I don't have access to picking pockets, but the relay browser's custom buttons seem to assume I have access to Pick Pocket, as it presents to me the skill of 'Steal' (which, as I don't actually have that skill, is grayed out). I'm assuming that Mafia is...
  14. L

    Bug - Fixed 'acquire' wads in aftercore Cow Puncher tries to craft a wad

    I'm a Cow Puncher, and I'm in aftercore. And when I try to 'acquire' a hot wad, it tries to craft it from nuggets, which of course is impossible for me as a Cow Puncher because I have no access to the guild or the malus of forethought. And it just aborts, and doesn't even try to go to the...
  15. L

    Bug - Not A Bug Clownosity Maximizer This is what has happened the past few times I try to maximize my clownosity over the past month. As you can see from the screenshot, my actual clownosity is 4/4 (so Mafia is calculating it right). but the Maximizer says my "best score" is 1, and my "current score" is 1.
  16. L

    Feature - Implemented Jarlsberg opening/closing NCs

    the opening adventure: Choice adventure 684: and the closing adventure: Choice adventure 686: Mafia doesn't push through any of these.
  17. L

    Bug - Waiting for Info pref "questF05Clancy" remains "unstarted" despite having started

    I've started Clancy's quest and have done the Typical Tavern portion, and the Knob Shaft portion. But the preference states 'unstarted'. It has been requested that I share what my quest log states: <p><b>The Minstrel Cycle</b><br> Clancy wants you to find <a class=nounder target=mainpane...
  18. L

    Feature Deck of Cards custom button - draw again?

    So I use the "custom buttons" mentioned in the relay browser preferences. When I fight a monsters in the deck of cards, and the fight ends, the 'again' button takes me to my inventory, which seems counterintuitive. If there was a 'draw again' button, I'd be happy. Is it possible to add this...
  19. L

    Changing Gender Between Ascensions

    I want a relay script to automagically switch my gender from my current one to the other gender when in Valhalla. Any idea how to code this?
  20. L

    Bug - Fixed No [guild] link with outfit pants

    So, I've been doing a few avatar runs, which lead me to doing the guild unlock quests later in ilfe. When I unlock the moxie guild, if I am wearing pants that are a part of an outfit that I already have all the pieces for, when I steal my own pants, the link to [guild] doesn't show up (as it...