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  1. Taria

    "Update hotkeys"?

    So, I noticed this little dropdown thing that says that off to the right of the custom combat buttons... What do you do with it? `.` (It looks like it might let you set those buttons yourself, which I hope it is because that's something I'd love to be able to do. But if that's the case, I'm...
  2. Taria

    Automatic epic weapon creation question...

    I switched to version 11.8 at the beginning of my current ascension, and I noticed that when I tried to cast AT or TT buffs without having the epic weapon, it would automatically try to make it. Is there a way to turn that off? I couldn't make a mace on day one due to lack of clovers, but I...
  3. Taria

    Question on fight.php scripting

    Is there a way to get the current combat round and monster name from inside a relay override script?