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  1. I

    XD really stupid question here.

    how do daily builds work? and how do you use them? im new to this whole "technology" thing... nah im joking about the last bit, but you get the picture.
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    when is the new version of kolmafia coming out? the old one doesnt support the new adventures in the PFA...
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    Farming script for a high level char

    This is a very bad CLI script i made myself XD It is designed for a high lvl seal clubber (as it pulverises etc) and the character should have a sum of meat before farming (as it buys things) However simple this script is, i have made 350k, 50 twinkly wads and loads of other stuff in one day by...
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    help! =P

    What is the new command for adventuring in the PFA? the old one doesnt seem to work (doesn't recognise it) Say what would i put after adv * (enter name here) thanks.
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    eating script

    it isnt perfect yet, and its very basic, but for those who cannot script, this is good to get you over 160 adventures up before adventuring!
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    a suggestion

    it would be nice to add a link somewhere or other to search for online members - that way you can ensure an instant response to a pm if you're in a hurry.
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    a script i'm working on...

    here is my basic script. it is so simple you can see what it does, but would the toying with the *s work? eg aquire 3-* mon tiki would that autosell 2 mon tikis if i had 5 already? or say i only had 2 mon tikis, would it buy 1 from the mall? and adventure */2 would that adventure for half my...
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    script request

    i am a level 16 seal clubber - my muscle is 257 and my moxie is 323. To my knowledge i can hit everything and not get hit by anything. So, here is my situation. I want to farm, but my parents only allow me 30 minutes a day on the computer! I need a script which will farm for me, spending half my...
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    how to...?

    how do you select other combat items to use in the auto adventure burn? I selected a place to adventure, as well as a custom combat script which uses meat vortexes but it just keeps attacking. alternatively, if its like the NPZR farming problem, would changing it to meat vortex, spell, meat...
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    i need help with my custom combat script

    i made a custom combat script for NPZR farming, im not a decent programmer so its just use dictionary for 28 adv, then attack on the 29th! i should kill it in that last hit, dont worry bout that, and i wont get hit either, my moxie is too high. ;) What im asking is once ive made it, how do i...