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  1. R

    Feature Store Advisor and Maximize Modifier

    Store Advisor - how about adding "Projected profits" as a column, for each item? Then people can see at a glance how much they stand to make by selling X produce at Y price. Maximize Modifier - How about adding "hpregen" and "mpregen" variables as things that can be maximized? Particularly the...
  2. R

    Mapping question

    Heyas, As this roughly relates to an informational script I'm making... record mytype { string area; item loot; int value; }; mytype [int] map_of_type; map_of_type is a map of records, of type mytype. I wanna sort it by a decreasing order of value. sort map_of_type by...
  3. R

    hobopolis loot checker

    heyas! So i've had this idea for a breakfast script - logs in, checks what pieces of hobo loot have already dropped, and prints it out in the GUI window of mafia. partly this is because i continually forget to see what's dropped and put in a request with my clan, and partly because i want to...
  4. R

    Setting kolmafia variables via script?

    Hey guys! Ok, I've been scripting almost ever night. It's kind of like a drug.. always thinking of a better way to do things *grin* But I am stuck, sorta, and so I'm back here :P One of my subroutines farms the Barrel full of Barrels for level 2 drinks. My next subroutine (I have the DB...
  5. R

    Pastamancer combat ghost summons remaining?

    Heya Anyone worked out a function to tell you how many you have left to go? Up until now, I've just been CCSing it to summon a spice ghost (melange would be nice :) ) and i figure it would be nice to adventure in a low level place with 100% combats, and make sure i'm wearing my +food_drop suit...
  6. R

    Function to find the cheapest price on the mall

    Heyas I've recently realized that with the 16-20 turns it takes to generate the ingredients (wearing my +item and +food drop suit) to make 3 chow meins, it would be more cost efficient if I just moneyran in the castle for those 16-20 turns and bought the food I wanted from the mall. (And I...
  7. R

    Level based area chooser

    Heya Working on a side script to burn adventures above 140 (so, if I forget to play or go away, i can script it up to play those that would have been lost due to capping.) Am going to put in some smarts to eat/drink if available, but for now, just the basics. but! print("This script farms...
  8. R

    Pulling outfits from Hagnks

    Heyas Anyone know if using "pull Swashbuckling Getup", for example, will pull the entire swashbuckling getup, regardless of whatever parts of swashbuckling getup you may already have in inventory?
  9. R

    Checking stuff to autosell

    Heyas, So, I have been looking at Networth.ash and gotten a few ideas, but I'm generally now trying to have a check that will * run through my whole inventory looking for items where the number of items > 50 * report back via print commands that this is the case * and perhaps (via some sort of...
  10. R

    Barrel full of Barrels autodrinker

    Hiyas, I'm wondering if it's possible to adventure in the Barrel full of Barrels (usually takes 6ish turns, though could be as low as 4 or as high as 12 if I was *really* unlucky with mimics), to grab the 2-4 normal drinks... and then drink them, automatically? Is there some way for kolmafia...
  11. R

    Bounty Hunting *just* sticky stardust

    Heyas, again! So I'm farming the hole in the sky for stars and lines and star charts. I've heard Icy Mountaintop is better for meat grinding, and Giant Castle is better for making meat in the form of items, but I like hole in the sky. There are only ever 3 outputs, so theyr'e way easier to see...
  12. R

    Question about state of variables

    So, is ASH a language whereby variables actually store an equation, and work out the current state at the moment? To put it another way (from the MaxMp.ash script): Suppose I have full mp... mpFull = (my_mp() == my_maxmp()); .. and then I script to adventure a few times, casting saucegeyser...
  13. R

    Attempting to adventure up to a condition

    Heya, this is supposed to be simple but I'm having trouble with it.. if anyone feels like helping... that'd be swell :) I like bat wing chow meins. I want to make code that roughly says: * start adventure counter * adventure in "batrat and ratbat cave" until 3 bat wings are obtained *...