Search results

  1. Boogaloogaloo

    Bug - Fixed Sleeved card not considered by Offhand Remarkable

    When Offhand Remarkable is active, it's not applied to the Card Sleeve. For example: > equip list Off-hand: card sleeve > modtrace pvp |type|source|PvP Fights| |Item|Alice's Army Foil Lanceman|+6.00= +6.00| I noticed this because the maximizer was preferring to equip the sturdy cane...
  2. Boogaloogaloo

    Feature CCS scripts created in subdirectories are not found on restart

    The reason this happens is because creating a new ccs file called "farming/castle" will create a file under the path "ccs/farming/castle.ccs". In my opinion, this is a good thing as it allows me to arrange my ccs directory logically. The problem is that...
  3. Boogaloogaloo

    Goal for completing spleen familiar drops?

    Say it's already dropped x/5 items. Is there a goal that will stop when it has dropped all 5 for the day?
  4. Boogaloogaloo

    Configurations are being reset sporadically?

    My customisations are disappearing without any particular pattern. Just to be clear things like the identified dusty bottles, bang potions, zone choices, combat actions, and so on. Any idea how to debug why and how this happens? I run the nightly builds and it has been happening for at least...
  5. Boogaloogaloo

    Once daily actions

    Am I missing something obvious in how the various scripts perform some actions only once a day (version checks and such)? Even after quitting and starting KoLmafia again, the actions are not run again. The only way I can possibly see this working is that some properties (maybe all) are cleared...