Search results

  1. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed [patch included] When using Flatlaf themes, SVNManager message boxes render HTML incorrectly

    KoLmafia revision: r20806 When svn checkout or svn update warns about overwriting files, the popup dialog usually looks like this: When I'm using one of the FlatLaf themes added in r20534, the HTML in the dialog is broken: (current theme is 'Light Owl') After some experimentation, I...
  2. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed Nemesis Quest tracking property is not updated upon quest start

    KoLmafia version: r20783 When starting the Nemesis Quest by visiting your guild's "same class guy" (guild.php?place=scg) NPC as an Accordion Thief, the quest property (questG04Nemesis) is not set to started. Looking at, it appears that some checks are missing or handled...
  3. philmasterplus

    What functions are treated as assertions?

    I recently learned that some built-in ASH functions behave like assertions when their return values are not used: // Abort the script if it fails to retrieve the item retrieve_item(1, $item[ mae west ]); // Don't abort the script even if it fails to retrieve the item boolean result =...
  4. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed JavaScript code cannot call custom ASH function under special circumstances

    KoLmafia version: r20777 When calling a custom ASH function from JavaScript, the function call is "skipped" when the ASH function meets certain conditions. I have an ASH script named test-lib.ash that defines a function: // test-lib.ash void speak(string message) { int unused...
  5. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer throws NPE when bejeweled pledge pin is in acc1 slot

    Found on KoLmafia r20755, but I tested this all the way back to r20749 and the problem still persists. Edit: I am in an Avatar of Sneaky Pete hardcore run. I could not reproduce this in an aftercore account. The following directive causes the maximizer to throw a NullPointerException...
  6. philmasterplus

    Feature Script Menu customization

    Currently, the Script Menu mirrors the layout of files and directories under scripts/. This poses a problem as we build large projects like autoscend that install many files and clutter the Script Menu. Users "solved" the problem by moving files into subdirectories. KoLmafia enabled this by (A)...
  7. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed "svn update" does not move files in local copy

    Edit on May 28th: This post has been rewritten to better summarize what is going on. To see the original post, check out the "spoiler" below. There are two issues at play: When svn checkout or svn update results in the creation of a new file(s) under scripts/ or relay/ (or any of their...
  8. philmasterplus

    Philter, the inventory cleanup script

    This is the "home" thread for Philter. Report bugs, give hugs, and discuss features. We recently renamed from "OCD-Cleanup" to "Philter". While you can continue to use Philter as-is, we recommend reinstalling Philter (please check our migration guide). For details, see the separate thread or the...
  9. philmasterplus

    Thoughts on renaming OCD-Cleanup?

    Edit: We're holding a poll (Google Forms, requires login)! You're welcome to join in. Edit 2021-05-12: Poll results are up! I work on OCD-Cleanup, a fork of Bale's OCD Inventory Control. Recently, while gathering feedback for a major code change, I received requests to rename the project to...
  10. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed [JavaScript] Importing ASH script fails if function name has leading underscore

    KoLmafia revision: r20672 Normally, JavaScript scripts can import ASH scripts using require() and call user-defined ASH functions in the top-level scope. However, the script fails if there exists an ASH function with a leading underscore. For example, given the following ASH script: void...
  11. philmasterplus

    New Content - Implemented Item "macrame net" has been renamed to "hemp net"

    Macrame nets were silently renamed to hemp nets. I discovered it on January 29th but the actual change may have been made earlier. I'm marking this as a bug because it prevents me searching for hemp nets in the mall in the mafia UI.
  12. philmasterplus

    Bug - Not A Bug Relay browser doesn't load images inside relay/ dir

    KoLmafia revision: r20662 My relay override UI script uses some custom images. Currently, my directory layout looks like this: kolmafia.jar relay/ relay_100familiars.js My relay script (executed by KoLmafia, works fine) 100familiars/ style.css CSS for the relay UI...
  13. philmasterplus


    NewLife2 is a fork of @Bale's newLife. GitHub repository: What is this? Whenever you ascend in Kingdom of Loathing, you need to perform a variety of common tasks. You will also want to reconfigure KoLmafia to pick the best...
  14. philmasterplus

    Does file_to_map() ever return false?

    file_to_map() is extremely forgiving. It will return true if: The file does not exist The file's contents do not match the map used The file is a binary file (e.g. KoLmafia's own JAR file) The file path is empty or invalid (e.g. "!@#$%^") The file path is actually a directory (e.g. "data/") The...
  15. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed IotMs not marked as nosmash (Oct. 2019 ~ Mar. 2021)

    The following IotM equipments, released between October 2019 and present, are not marked as nosmash in pulverize.txt. get_related() believes that they can be smashed into twinkly powders and/or nuggets. Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper Powerful Glove Guzzlr tablet Iunion Crown Cargo Cultist Shorts...
  16. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed Don't escape HTML entities when executing "js" command

    When JavaScript code is executed with the gCLI js command, the entire string is processed with CharacterEntities.unescape() before being passed to the JavaScript interpreter. While this behavior is standard for most gCLI commands, it makes debugging JS one-liners difficult. In contrast, the ash...
  17. philmasterplus

    Bug Player status is not updated after Ascending but before entering the Pearly Gates

    (Tested in r20631) When the player enters the Astral Gash (visit ascend.php?action=ascend&pwd&confirm=on&confirm2=on), but has not clicked The Mini-Pearly Gates yet, KoLmafia does not update the player's status (i.e. class is still the old class, player has non-zero mus/mys/mox, etc.). > ash...
  18. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed put_shop() coerces item quantity from float to int incorrectly

    Update: This was not a JavaScript issue, but a problem with the ASH function itself. See reply #4 and below. As such, I have renamed the thread title (previously "JavaScript: putShop() bug due to typing issues"). TL; DR: When calling putShop(), be sure to wrap the item quantity argument with...
  19. philmasterplus

    Bug available_choice_select_inputs() incorrectly parses <select> tags

    KoLmafia r20631: Due to a flawed regex pattern in, the available_choice_select_inputs() function incorrectly parses certain choice adventures. For example, the Fortune Teller page contains the following HTML: <select name="which" id="which" required> ... </select> The...
  20. philmasterplus

    IntelliJ: How to enable warning messages for tests?

    I've been following the instructions on our wiki for IntelliJ. It's been working great so far, but there's a problem: Test code in the /test/ directory are not automatically verified/linted (i.e. no IDE errors or warnings). Since code under /src/ are verified/linted automatically, I assume it's...