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  1. Semenar

    Bug Weird variable parsing when calling JS functions

    This was noticed first when Pantocyclus said that their JS script was failing to find any locketable monsters. It appeared that taking a number and incrementing it (i++), then calling toMonster with it as an argument always yields None. During some prodding, the following was determined. The...
  2. Semenar

    Bug Enchantments of Jurassic Parka modes do not apply in 2CRS, but Mafia thinks they do

    KoLmafia version: r27569 How to reproduce: 1. Have a Jurassic Parka IotM on your account 2. Start a new Two Crazy Random Summer ascension 3. Activate a Spikolodon mode Normally, Spikolodon mode provides Monster Level equal to 3 times player level, capped at 33. However, in Two Crazy Random...