Search results

  1. C

    Glurk. Automate the Hobopolis Marketplace

    glurk 1.0 What is it? A script to automate the Hobopolis Town Square "Marketplace" choice adventure to get the "Glurk" stat gain choice. Note: Depends on zarqon's excellent zlib.ash and my log_lib.ash make sure you install them first. For Users glurk n will adventure in Hobopolis Town Square...
  2. C

    Purple Light District Club checker (power levelling aid)

    pld 1.0 What is it? A script (and a function) to tell you if you can get into the club in the Purple Light District. It parses your clan's raidlog and tots up the plusses and minuses for you. Note: Depends on zarqon's excellent zlib.ash and my log_lib.ash, and pageCache.ash make sure you...
  3. C

    LevelUp find best location to level up

    UpLevel find best location to level up UpLevel 0.2 What is it? A script to list the best places to adventure in order to get experience. This is an early release to get comments, it's not complete. Some possibly interesting features: Instead of depending on safe moxie, it relies on logic...
  4. C

    CanAdv can I adventure here?

    CanAdventure 1.2 What is it? A set of functions to determine if it's possible to adventure in a location. Inspired by zarqon's canadv, but takes a different approach. It's data driven, using a map of locations and predicates, and a general purpose predicate evaluator. Note: Depends on zarqon's...
  5. C

    predicate.ash: general purpose predicate expression evaluator

    predicate 1.0 What is it? A general purpose predicate expression evaluator. A predicate is a string expression that evaluates to true or false. Examples: primestat<29,ascensions>0,outfit=cloaca-cola uniform,quest=fernswarthy's tower or item=dingy dinghy,equip=pirate...
  6. C

    pageCache: simple LRU cache of visited URLs

    pageCache 1.1 What is it? A drop-in replacement for visit_url that implements a simple LRU cache. Script developers can use visit_cached_url(string) instead of visit_url(string). Note: Depends on zarqon's excellent zlib.ash and my log_lib.ash make sure you install them first. For Users...
  7. C

    log_lib message logging and printing library

    log_lib 1.0 What is it? A set of functions and constants for controlling printing of errors, warnings, informational, and debugging messages in scripts. Users can set the property log_verbosity to control how chatty scripts that use this library are. Script developers can use...